C.P. Snow once said: "A sense of the future is behind all good policies. Unless we have it, we can give nothing either wise or d

admin2018-01-31  30

问题    C.P. Snow once said: "A sense of the future is behind all good policies. Unless we have it, we can give nothing either wise or decent to the world." Thinking carefully about an outcome is an intelligent first step in many processes, especially when the stakes are high, possibly even dangerous. Do you have any experience in getting out of hazardous situations? In the most exceptional circumstances, a few good rules of thumb may save you. Here are five things to keep in mind.
   1. Stay calm
   If a catastrophe threatens your life, panic will only make matters worse. Nothing but calmness can help you adequately take stock of the situation and take appropriate measures.
   2. Remain confident
   Desperation can paralyze you or sap your energy, while confidence is the key to saving yourself.
   3. Help each other
   You should organize for mutual assistance in case of an earthquake, flood, fire, etc. People working together can always cope more successfully with any adverse situation. Solidarity means strength: solidarity means victory.
   4. Be obedient to superiors
   The best strategy when facing a catastrophe is to obey commands and keep order. More often than not, leaders are experts, or someone familiar with the situation or with rich experience. Being too individualistic and going your own way will usually make the situation worse for you and others. So, the best thing to do is to listen:to authorities and remain orderly.
   5. Communicate
   When in danger it is best to seek help immediately so those with more resources can come to your aid. If you are at risk, use whatever means available as soon as possible to contact others for help, and take efforts to maintain communication once it is established.
   While every catastrophe is different in its own way, all can be met and hopefully overcome with the above-mentioned pieces of advice. By carefully considering what needs to be done, even under the worst of situations, one can find solutions, or endure until aided by others.
   [A]A person trapped in ruins in an earthquake, didn’t lose hope. The victim overcame his pain and despair, and kept banging out signals on the fallen wall around him for help. Because of his efforts, a rescue team was able to find him and save his life.
   [B]For example, if numerous people are involved in a dangerous situation, some, out of fear or inclination, may not follow direction or heed sound advice. As a result of the disorder, rescue efforts are hindered , or worse more casualties are incurred.
   [C]Nine fishermen from Peru were hit by a severe storm, but they didn ’t panic even though their boat was damaged so badly that they couldn’t sail home. They maintained faith that they would surely to be saved, and their belief gave them strength. When there is hope, there is a way! They survived at sea for 40 days before they were finally rescued. Their story is a good sample for future people lost at sea. It is best to remember the proverb: God helps those who help themselves.
   [D]History shows that when people are in danger mutual assistance promotes confidence, and reassuring others not only helps them, but can calm you as well. Helping others is beneficial, especially in the direst circumstances. During the Sept. 11 attacks in America, people pulled together and supported each other. This not only reduced casualties, but also left a deep impression on people around world. Remember, helping others is helping yourself!
   [E]The Apollo 13 space mission suffered catastrophic mechanical problems en route to the Moon. Its malfunction was caused by an explosion and rupture of oxygen tank No. 2 in the service module. The NASA Mission Control Center immediately issued two orders. The second order was concerning navigation. But, can you guess what the first order was? Unbelievably, the astronauts were told to take two tranquillizer pills each! As a result, calmness helped the astronauts overcome a series of difficulties and return to earth. Calmness can work miracles in times of emergency.
   [F]The best way to prevent a catastrophe from happening is planning ahead. You should often check your circuits, stoves, electrical appliances and gas pipelines. Before sleeping in a hotel, you should be aware of the nearest exit in case of an emergency. "Preparation averts peril."



解析 本段的中心意思是要“保持联系”。E项中也提到了“阿波罗13号”与控制中心的联系,并且在控制中心的指导下逃生成功,但该例证主要讲的是镇定的作用,而且提到的联系也是与此有关的,而A项着重强调发出信息、建立联系的重要性,故本题选A项。
