Now read the passage about population and resources. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now.

admin2012-01-14  27

    Now read the passage about population and resources. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
    Begin reading now.
    Reading Time: 45 seconds
                 Population and Resources
    Population increase and decrease relatively not only to one another, but also to natural resources. The growing poverty constitutes a permanent menace not only to peace, but also to democratic institutions and personal liberty. For overpopulation is not compatible with freedom. Labor is more abundant than goods, and the individual is compelled to work long hours for little pay. Democracy is, among other things, the ability to say "no" to the boss. In an overcrowded country, very few people own enough to make them financially independent; without financial independence, saying "no" to the boss will almost be impossible.
Student A  Hey, Hey, Quan! How’s it going?
Student B  Hi, Mike. I feel awful these days. I have a terrible headache and feel dizzy and hot all over.
Student A  Have you seen the doctor?
Student B  Yes, the doctor said that I had a disease called examitis. She said that some students get so nervous about the exams that they may have the symptoms like mine. And she I don’t need to take any medicine. Gosh, I really have no clue about how to deal with it. I just feel terribly nervous about every exam. You know, I have a biology exam this afternoon. What shall I do?
Student A  Don’t worry so much about it. I know how to deal with nervousness. First, you should not worry too much about the results of the exams. Before the exam, just tell yourself that you have tried your best to prepare the exam. So, no matter what the results would be, it will not bother you. Also, you should try keeping your eyes closed and thinking nothing for a minute or two just before starting an exam. It helps to keep a cool head. This method always works for me.
Student B  Thank you so much. I will try what you said.


答案 According to the two passages, overpopulation has many disadvantages. It will do harm to natural resources. With more and more people born on the earth, they will use more and more land, water and other natural resources. And so, the earth has to take more and more burdens humans bring to it. In this case, humans will face more pressure of existence. In addition to this disadvantage, with more and more people consuming limited resources, they will become poorer and poorer. This, in turn, will bring about economic imbalance and social disturbance. That is to say, some people will become richer and richer and others poorer and poorer. If there is too large a gap between people in terms of wealth, the society will be in great danger. Specifically, the society will have a series of problems in relation to employment, education, social welfare and so on. For example, many people will not be able to find jobs. And, many people will not be educated and get enough social welfare. If things are like this, the society will be in danger of social turmoil. Above all, overpopulation will lead to people’s loss of freedom. As it has been said above, overpopulation will take a lot of people’s lobs. From another perspective, overpopulation will result in a surplus supply of labor force. So, there will be more people than goods. Thus, some people will be forced to work long hours for little pay. According to the reading passage, democracy or freedom is the ability to say "no" to the boss. If the boss has much freedom to use labor, the workers will not have freedom to refuse the boss. In this case, people will not have much freedom.

