A、Supportive. B、Oppositive. C、Neutral. D、Indifferent. A本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(4—1)和(4—2)可知,采访者问道自己现在才开始锻炼能否有用,而米里亚姆对此给予了肯定的答复,并且在句(4—3)

admin2017-03-20  34

Interviewer(M)    Miriam Nelson(W)
Now, listen to Part One of the interview.
M: This morning on Today’s Health, we are going to pump yon up. You know, working out is obviously good for your body, but this week’s Newsweek Magazine reports(1 - 1)there is new evidence it can boost your brainpower and fight disease as well.(2- 1)Miriam Nelson is an associate professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition at Tufts University. Miriam, nice to see you, how are you doing?
W: Very well. Thanks for having me.
M: So, we are talking about rigorous, aerobic exercise, clearly good for your body. Explain to me in layman’s terms if you can now, about(2 - 2)this new research that says it can also help your brain grow new nerve cells.
W: That’s right.(1 - 2)What we’ve known for years is that individuals who are physically active have reduced risk of getting Alzheimer’s disease. We’ve also known that people with mild cognitive impairment also have improved function with exercise. There’s some very new research just coming out, which is very exciting. And what is seen is it’s taken 11 individuals, and put them on a about 3 or 4 months course of aerobic exercise—4 days a week, an hour. And what they’ve seen through MRI Scan is people are actually growing new nerve cells.
M:(2 - 3)And more new nerve cells mean what to me is someone in my age group.
W:(2-4)Yeah, my age group, too.
M: OK, our age group too, right.
W: What we are seeing is that the new nerve cells are growing. They’re increasing a web and they’re weaved and connecting. It’s all the interconnections of the nerve cells.(3)When you get those connections, your brain functions better, primarily this is in the executive functioning part of the brain. We are looking at multi-tasking, memory, problem solving, name recognition—lot of things that start to decline as we get older.
M: I am sure a lot of people watching this right now, Miriam Nelson. Can I make up for lost time? I don’t have a history of exercising throughout my life.(2-5/4- I)Now in 45, 50 years old, if I start exercising now, do I make a difference?
W:(4- 2)Well, certainly.(4-3/5)The data we show right now is exercising in your 40s and 50s. Hopefully we want to start a little bit earlier, but in your 30s, 40s and 50s, it will make a difference for reducing the risk of getting Alzheimer as you get older. And there’s even newer research with children that is also very exciting.
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. Which of the following functions about working out is not found by researchers?
2. Which of the following statements about Miriam Nelson is INCORRECT?
3. What are interconnections of the nerve cells in the brain primarily beneficial for?
4. What’s Miriam’s attitude towards the interview’s idea about starting working out now?
5. Which of the following people are NOT mentioned as to the brain power boosting?

选项 A、Supportive.


解析 本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(4—1)和(4—2)可知,采访者问道自己现在才开始锻炼能否有用,而米里亚姆对此给予了肯定的答复,并且在句(4—3)中进一步解释了锻炼对减少老年痴呆症的患病几率有用,由此可以推出米里亚姆对于采访者现在开始锻炼的想法持支持的态度,因此[A]为正确答案。
