A: First, congratulations on winning this year’s Oscar Best Foreign Language Film Award. As you know, we Chinese have always had

admin2017-02-22  41

A: 首先祝贺您荣膺本届奥斯卡最佳外语片奖。您知道,我们中国人一直有一个“奥斯卡情结”。能否请您谈谈看法?
B: Thanks. Actually I’ve been an ardent fan of Chinese kungfu movies. And you know, some talented Chinese directors, like Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, and of course, An Lee, have already shown the great charm and potential of Chinese movies. They took in the last decade or so almost all film awards one by one, big or small, except Oscar. So, I can predict with great confidence they will win a heap of Oscar titles in ten years’ time.
A: 有人说,一年一度的奥斯卡金像奖没什么特别的,它只不过是一场游戏罢了。请问您怎么看?
B: To some extent, yes. It is a game, a grand, happy game by Americans and in the American way. When it is finished, you needn’t think about it any longer. It may benefit many people and boost their celebrity. For example, if an actor wins an Oscar, he or she will be able to sign five films the next year, each valued more than 10 million US dollars. All these are concrete things, but these aside, it is only a game, nothing special.
A: 虽说是一场游戏,但为什么每年都会在全球范围内搞得沸沸扬扬,引发出那么多话题呢?
B: Well, the reason is quite obvious — the American film industry is too strong! Most American films are commercial and they dominate the globe with their high box-office income and large market share. So Americans happily play such a grand game every year, making the whole world reel around it. My keenest feeling is only when a country becomes a decisive force on the international arena can its cultural products be influential. I believe that’s the real reason why you Chinese, or even people all over the world, are unable to shake off their Oscar complex.


答案A: First, congratulations on winning this year’s Oscar Best Foreign Language Film Award. As you know, we Chinese have always had an Oscar complex. May I have your opinion? B:谢谢! 实际上我一直对中国功夫片很着迷。你知道,中国一些有才能的导演,如张艺谋、陈凯歌,当然还有李安等已经向我们展示了中国电影的魅力和潜力。在过去的十几年中,他们已经把各种大大小小的电影奖都拿得差不多了,剩下只有奥斯卡了。所以,我可以非常有把握地预测,十年之内你们一定会拿到一大堆奥斯卡奖的。 A: Some people say that Oscar is but a game that comes every year, with nothing special. What do you think? B:在某种程度上确实如此。它的确是由美国人导演的一场快乐的、美国式的大游戏。这游戏过去了,你就不必再去想它。它可能会使很多人受益,使他们的身价大增。比如一个演员,他/她一旦得了奥斯卡奖,明年就能签五部戏,每部的片酬都在一千万美元以上,这都是很具体的。但除此之外,奥斯卡就是场游戏,没什么特别的。 A: Though a game, why does it stir up so much uproar and so much discussion all over the world annually? B:原因很明显,就因为美国电影业强大! 美国电影多具有商业性质,其票房收入和市场占有率都很高,它主宰了全世界。所以美国人每年快乐地做这么一个大游戏,使得全世界的人都跟着转。我最深切的体会就是文化产品要想有影响力,国家就必须在世界舞台上举足轻重。我觉得,这才是你们中国人乃至全世界的人们都摆脱不了这个“奥斯卡情结”的真实原因。

解析    本文是一篇娱乐方面的对话,主要涉及电影业和电影奖项方面的知识。要求应试者掌握一定的电影常识和与之相关的专门词汇,这有赖于应试者平时的知识积累。此外,应试者还需要在较短的时间内,理解、分析、简化或切分长难句,避免从句堆积;对于一些较为生僻的词汇,不能死译、硬译,而应该在理解的基础上意译;日常对话的口译,在忠实原文意思的基础上,可以在结构上进行一些变化,以达到顺畅的效果。
   1.奥斯卡最佳外语片奖       Oscar Best Foreign Language Film Award
   2.奥斯卡情节               Oscar complex
   3.Oscar titles             奥斯卡奖
   4.Chinese Kungfu movies    中国功夫片
   5.international arena      世界舞台
1.They took in the last decade or so almost all film awards one by one, big or small, except Oscar.
   原文的谓语和宾语之间插入了一个时间状语“in the last decade or so”,在英语中,时间状语可以位于句首、句中、句末,但是在汉语中,时间状语一般位于句首。因此在翻译时,需要改变句序,提前交代时间背景。时间状语的判断和处理是本句的难点所在。
2.For example, if an actor wins an Oscar, he or she will be able to sign five films the next year, each valued more than 10 million US dollars.
   英语中,举例时通常用“for example”,“for instance”作为开场白陈述具体例子。汉语中,通常在“例如”、“比如”等词语后面说出举例的主体,然后对主体进行具体说明。因此,在翻译此句时,可以将“an actor”作为一个主体提出,“比如一个演员”。
   原文的主干由一个动补结构“搞得沸沸扬扬”和一个动宾结构“引发话题”组成。翻译时,可以进行词类转化,将副词“沸沸扬扬”转化为名词“uproar”,动补结构转化为动宾结构“stir up so much uproar”。
4.Most American films are commercial and they dominate the globe with their high box-office income and large market share.
5.My keenest feeling is only when a country becomes a decisive force on the international arena can its cultural products be influential.
   本句理解的难点是表语从句中嵌入一个条件状语从句“only when... can...”,翻译时,该条件状语从句采用了倒装结构,翻译时,需要调整从句内的语序。
   1.film awards           电影奖
   2.a heap of             一大堆
   3.boost celebrity       身价大增
   4.film industry         电影业
   5.dominate the globe    主宰全世界
   6.box-office income     票房收入
   7.market share          市场占有率
   8.reel around           跟着转
   9.keenest feeling       最深切的体会
   10.decisive force       举足轻重的力量
