Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co. Ltd. will open a branch office in Beijing, China. This is Manulife-Sinochem’s second branch

admin2011-02-09  40

问题     Manulife-Sinochem Life Insurance Co. Ltd. will open a branch office in Beijing, China. This is Manulife-Sinochem’s second branch license and the first multiple-branch license granted to a foreign-invested joint venture life insurance company by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission. //
    Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chréétien joined Manulife-Sinochem representatives, including Manulife Financial Corporation’s President and Chief Executive Officer Dominic D’Alessandro, for an official ribbon-cutting ceremony today at the St. Regis Hotel in Beijing to mark the beginning of preparations for the new Beijing branch. //
    "We are very pleased to have the opportunity to serve new customers in Beijing and provide them with industry-leading products and financial protection," said Victor Apps, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Manulife Financial, Asia. "Beijing presents a fantastic opportunity for growth of our China business. We look forward to providing our new customers with innovative products to meet their financial objectives. " //
    "Manulife-Sinochem is prepared to launch its operations in Beijing as quickly as possible," said Marc Sterling, Senior Vice-President, Regional Operations, Asia. "This development will take our business to new levels, leveraging our seven years of experience in China so we can bring the best this industry has to offer to the citizens of Beijing—both in terms of career opportunities and financial offerings. " //
    "Manulife-Sinochem is committed to national expansion in China, and our license to operate in Beijing represents a critical step in this vision," added Mr. Sterling. //
    As the first foreign-invested joint venture life insurance company in China, Manulife- Sinochem has been an industry pioneer since it began operations in Shanghai in 1996, demonstrating considerable success and becoming a major player in China’s insurance market. Manulife-Sinochem is dedicated to developing agency training, product design, market exploration and service effectiveness. In November 2002, Manulife-Sinochem launched its first branch office in Guangzhou—also the first branch license granted to a foreign-invested joint venture insurance company in China. //
    Today, the Company’s agency force has grown to more than 3,300 professionally trained agents serving more than 200,000 customers in Shanghai and Guangzbou. For the first six months of 2003, new annualized premium sales increased 18% over the same period last year, while total premiums and deposits increased 24%. //
    Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian-based financial services group operating in 15 countries and territories worldwide. Through its extensive network of employees, agents and distribution partners, Manulife Financial offers clients a diverse range of financial protection products and wealth management services. Funds under management by Manulife Financial were Cdn $139.8 billion as of June 30, 2002. //
    (Excerpts from "Manulife-Sinochem Receives Beijing Branch Office License" from www. beifing, gc. ca)


答案 中宏人寿保险有限公司将在中国北京成立分公司。这是中宏公司领取的第二家分公司营业牌照,也是中国保监会向外商合资人寿保险公司颁发的第一个多机构营业许可。// 加拿大总理克雷蒂安日前在宏利人寿保险公司总裁兼首席执行官多米尼克?亚历山大等中宏保险公司代表陪同下,参加了在北京国际俱乐部饭店举行的中宏保险公司筹建北京分公司的剪彩仪式。// “能够有机会为北京的新客户提供服务令我们感到非常高兴。我们将为他们提供业内一流的产品和金融资产营理,”宏利人寿保险公司执行副总裁兼亚洲区总经理维克多?艾普斯说、“北京为我们拓展中国业务提供了广阔的发展空间 我们愿为新客户提供各种创新产品,满足他们的金融需求”// “中宏人寿保险公司将尽快筹建北京分公司,”亚洲区业务部高级副总裁马克?斯德凌说:“扩充营业机构将把我们的业务推上一个新台阶。凭借我们七年来在中国开展业务的成功经验,我们可以在事业发展和金融产品方面,为北京广大市民提供保险业的最佳服务。”// “中宏人寿保险公司致力于拓展中国国内市场。获准在北京成立分公司表明我们已迈出了关键的一步,”斯德凌先生补充道。// 作为第一家中外合资的寿险公司,中宏保险公司自1996年在上海开业以来,一直是业内识极开拓的领导者,在中国保险市场取得了重大成就,成为中国保险市场的中坚力量。中宏保险公司积极开展代理培训、产品设计和市场开发,不断提高服务效率。2002年11月,中宏在广州成立分公司,这也是中国批准中外合资保险公司在中国成立的第一家分支机构。// 今天,中宏公司的销售队伍已拥有3300多名经过专业培训的业务代理,为上海和广州的20多万客户提供周到的服务。2003年上半年,年度保费销售同比增长18%,保费总额和保险储备金提高24%。// 宏利人寿保险公司是加拿大著名的金融服务集团,在世界15个国家和地区开展业务。利用其发达的员工、代理和分销伙伴网络,宏利人寿保险公司为客户提供多样化的金融保险产品和资产管理服务。至2002年6月30日,宏利人寿保险公司管理下的资产达1398亿加元。// (节选自www. Beijing. gc. ca网站文章“中宏保险公司北京分公司获准营业”)

