
admin2013-08-28  52

问题     中国是个礼仪(amenity)之邦,凡事注重规矩。就拿喝酒来说,也有很多有意思的事儿。比如在宴席上,如果想表示对长辈或者上级的尊重,晚辈就会主动举杯敬酒(toast),在喝掉酒之前,两个人会碰一下酒杯表示亲近,碰杯的时候,晚辈举杯不能比长辈高,这表示尊重。主动敬酒的人会把一杯酒全部喝完,以此来表示自己的诚意。中国人喝酒一般比较热闹,大家说说笑笑,气氛融洽。


答案 China is a country of amenity, attaching the importance to rules to everything. Taking drinking for an example, there are so many interesting things. For example, at a banquet, if someone wants to express his / her respect to their elders or superiors, he / she will toast. Before drinking the wine, they will touch their cups to show their affection. When they begin to drink, the younger’s cup will be lower than the superior’s to show his / her respect. The person who boasts on his / her own will empty one cup of wine at one go to show his / her sincerities. It’s a jolly time when the Chinese drink wine. On this occasion, everyone will be in a friendly mood.

