
admin2015-03-28  31

问题 龙被人们认为是中国最大的神物,也是最大的吉祥物(mascot)。中国人都很熟悉龙的形象,但是谁也没见过真的龙。龙是人们想象出来的动物,是由多种动物复合而成的。在人们的想象中,龙能在地上行走,在水中游弋,在云中飞翔。古代帝王把它当作权力和尊严的象征,普通老百姓也认为它是吉祥之物。在中国到处都可以见到龙的形象。龙已经成为中华民族的象征。世界各地的中国人都认为自己是“龙的传人”。


答案①The dragon is regarded as the number one divine animal in China, and it is the most important mascot. ②Chinese people are quite familiar with the image of the dragon, but nobody has ever seen a real one.③The dragon was born from the imagination of the people. It is a combination of different kinds of animals. ④In the imagination, the dragon can walk on land, swim under water, and fly in the sky. ⑤The ancient emperors treated it as the symbol of power and dignity, and in the mind of the common people, it is also a lucky totem. ⑥One could find the image of the dragon everywhere in China. ⑦The dragon now has become the symbol of the Chinese nation. ⑧The Chinese all over the world call themselves the dragon’s descendants.

解析 1.①句译作并列句,前后两个分句之间用and连接,用一般现在时。第一个分句用被动语态,其中“被人们认为是”译作“is regard as…”,“最大的”即“最重要的”,译作“me number one”或“the most important”。
2.②句译作并列句,两个分句之间用but连接,第一个分句用一般现在时,第二个分句用现在完成时。其中“熟悉”译作“are familiar with”。
3.③句拆分成两句翻译。第一句用一般过去时,“是人们想象出来的动物”译作“was born from the imagination of the people”,其中“动物”可省略不译。第二句用一般现在时,其中的“是由……复合而成的”译作“is a combination of..”。
4.④句用一般现在时,其中“在地上行走”、“在水中游弋”和“在云中飞翔”分别译作三个动词短语“walk on land”、“swim under water”和“fly in the sky”。
5.⑤句译作并列句。第一个分句用一般过去时,其中“把……当作……的象征”译作“treated/took…as the symbol of…”。第二个分句用一般现在时,其中“普通老百姓”译作“common people”。
7.⑦句用现在完成时,“已经成为……的象征”译作“has become the symbol of…”。
8.⑧句用一般现在时,“世界各地的中国人”译作“the Chinese all over the world”,“龙的传人”译作“the dragon’s descendants”或“descendants of the dragon”。
