我们生活在信息的海洋里。信息淹没了我们,向我们进攻并将我们击垮。它无处不在,无时不在。然而问题是:它对我们有什么影响?我们都知道信息革命的益处,但它有什么坏处?这种向我们狂轰滥炸的东西是否会影响我们的人性?这是很多人关心的问题。 如果过去30万年里

admin2018-07-31  37

问题     我们生活在信息的海洋里。信息淹没了我们,向我们进攻并将我们击垮。它无处不在,无时不在。然而问题是:它对我们有什么影响?我们都知道信息革命的益处,但它有什么坏处?这种向我们狂轰滥炸的东西是否会影响我们的人性?这是很多人关心的问题。


答案 We are awash in an ocean of information, which assaults and overwhelms us. It is with us anywhere, anytime. The question is: what is it doing to us? We all know about the benefits of the information revolution, but what is the downside? Is there so much stuff being thrown at us that it affects our humanity? This is the concern of many people. The brain isn’t going to change now if it hasn’t changed over the past 300, 000 years. The circuits are in there, the hormonal activities are in, everything is there. But the question the brain keeps asking is: what’s the next thing I can do while I’ve got time? Because I’ve got the circuitry for it. But is there such a thing as overload? Where our brain doesn’t shut down, but it says: I’m processing this stuff, but...forget it, pal! The metaphor of overload suggests that the brain is like a kitchen appliance. It has a certain card capacity and that it might, if in fact over-stimulated, burn out, or in fact, trigger a circuit break-up. The question of overload is how much in fact is meaningful information. And there’s the rock. As these commercials show, we’re bombarded by so much information, no wonders if any of it registers. We live in a restless hurry-up age. Even the cars are impatient. We scurry about. Not enough time for anything. Yet, if you think about when you have your deepest, most meaningful, most spiritual moments, it’s generally in places where there’s very little information if any. Very quiet serene spaces. As we eliminate those spaces in our culture, we’re going to be paying the price. With the pervasive nature of information, one can find out almost everything in this universe at home, without getting out of bed practically, then what is the use of a library? A library is where wisdom is stored and disseminated, ideas exchanged and creativity brewed. But the thing is many are becoming passive surfers in a vast sea of unsorted information, losing the ability to judge what is good and what is bad. If we carry on like this, it remains a problem if we are ever going to have a continued civilization in the future. Here brings up the question: What on earth is the difference between information and knowledge? Obviously, knowledge is information that has been processed and enriched by a human mind that is almost always informed by both reason and memory. Information is just slightly processed data and the impulse is to just simply extend the benefits over consumer’s society to make money. There is nothing wrong with information itself, information is a wonderful thing. But we need to realize that we’re trying to convert information to knowledge and if we don’t make that conversion process, then the information isn’t worth anything at all.

