
admin2022-04-23  81

问题     除非是研究近代史的,很少人会知道中俄战争后,从本世纪初英国即与日本结为同盟。这一特殊关系一直延续到一九四一年的“珍珠港事变”。这期间,英国老百姓自然始终坚定地站在中国这一边。我先是在“七七事变”头一年就有所察觉。当时上海还有租界,而大公报馆无论在津、沪、港,都是始终位于洋人管辖的地方。事变前的一年——一九三六年,《大公报》就由于我发表的陈白尘一个剧本中多处提到“×洋人” (×是编者打的) 而三次被英、日控制的工部局 (Shanghai Municipal Council) 传到法院,最终还是由于事先打了叉叉而没坐牢。


答案 Few people knew that Britain had made an alliance with Japan at the beginning of the century after Sino-Russia war, apart from those who studied the modern history. The special relationship lasted until the outbreak of the Pearl Harbor Incident in 1941. However, the British people remained firm in siding with China. I began to be aware of their alliance in the year before the July 7 th Incident of 1937 broke out. At that time, there were foreign settlements in Shanghai and Ta Kung Pao Press established its offices in foreign-controlled districts of Tianjin, Shanghai and Hongkong. And in 1936, one year before the July 7 Incident, as in the play "Chen Baichen" where the expression of " x foreigner" (the cross was marked by the editor) was mentioned many times, the press was summoned three times to the court by Shanghai Municipal Council under British and Japanese control. At last, they weren’t imprisoned thanks to editor’s cross in the play. From 1938 to 1939, I often made disputes with British censors who were actually my masters, because of manuscripts when I was in charge of Art and Literary Supplement of Ta Kung Pao in Hongkong. I can do nothing but to quit if he made a red cross at will. Excerpts from About Hongkong written by Xiao Qian

