戏曲是一种中国传统的艺术形式,可以追溯到唐朝。中国戏曲吸引观众的一大特色是其独具风格的脸谱(facial painting)。脸谱代表不同角色的性格和命运。观众通过观察脸谱能够更好地理解这些角色的故事。欣赏戏曲是中国人特别是老年人的一大乐趣。为了吸引更多的

admin2022-10-27  53

问题   戏曲是一种中国传统的艺术形式,可以追溯到唐朝。中国戏曲吸引观众的一大特色是其独具风格的脸谱(facial painting)。脸谱代表不同角色的性格和命运。观众通过观察脸谱能够更好地理解这些角色的故事。欣赏戏曲是中国人特别是老年人的一大乐趣。为了吸引更多的年轻观众,传统戏曲正在不断地发展和创新。如今,越来越多的外国观众也喜欢中国戏曲。


答案Chinese opera is a traditional Chinese art with roots going back to the Tang Dynasty. One of the main features of Chinese opera that attract audiences is its unique facial painting. The facial painting represents the personality and fate of different characters. Viewers can better understand the stories of the characters by looking at the facial painting. Appreciating opera is a great pleasure for Chinese people, especially the elderly. In order to attract more young audiences, traditional operas are constantly developing and innovating. Nowadays, more and more foreign audiences are also enjoying Chinese opera.

