下面你将听到节目主持人和澳大利亚天才演说家尼克-胡哲的采访对话。 主持人:澳大利亚演说家尼克-胡哲,天生没有四肢,他在世界各地发表激情四射的演讲,讲述作为一个行动不便的人,他是怎样生活、期望及是如何寻找生命之意义的。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎尼克!// Nic

admin2018-08-31  38

问题      下面你将听到节目主持人和澳大利亚天才演说家尼克-胡哲的采访对话。
Nick:Thank you!//
Nick: Yes. My mom didn’t know why this had happened. My mom and dad asked themselves "Why did this happen?" For many years in my life, I’ve been asking myself the same question. But no one knows the answer. // So when you have something so unexpected, you do not know exactly how to handle it. What kind of great purpose can a man without arms and legs have? You know, I wouldn’t be who I am today if I didn’t go through what I’ve gone through. I tried to commit suicide at the age of ten, because it became very, very difficult.  //
Nick: When I did so, I suddenly realized I couldn’t leave my parents with pain, bringing them shame and guilt, so I decided to stay. Growing up can sometimes be so tough, but I knew very well what I would do when I was 13. //I wanted to be a speaker. I had the idea because a speaker came to my school. Many of us were moved to tears by his speech.   //
Nick: You don’t know what you can achieve until you try it. My dream is to influence as many people as possible. I don’t care for fame or anything like that. In any way possible, I’d like to bring messages of hope.  //


答案Host: Australian public speaker Nick Vujicic was born without all four limbs. He presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope, and finding meaning in life. Let’s welcome Nick with a big hand! 尼克:谢谢! Host: We all think you are absolutely amazing. I heard that your mother was pretty shocked after she gave birth to you. 尼克:是的。我妈妈并不清楚为什么会发生这样的事。我父母也问自己:“为什么会发生这样的事情?”很多年以来,我也一直在问自己同样的问题。无人知道答案。当你遇到如此意外的事情时,你都不知道该如何去应对它。一个没有四肢的人会有什么大的用处?要知道,如果没有亲身体验过的那些经历,我就不会是现在的我。我10岁时曾经试图自杀,因为生活变得越来越艰难。 Host: You look so optimistic, and so strong. What made you change your mind? 尼克:当我试图自杀时,我突然意识到,不能让父母生活在痛苦之中,不能令他们觉得耻辱和内疚,所以我决定活下来。成长有时是一个非常艰难的过程。我13岁时已非常明白我打算做什么,我想成为一名演说家。产生这个想法的起因是当时有一位演说家来到我们学校,他的演讲使我们很多人感动得流泪。 Host: I know you’ve been speaking in more than 30 countries for over 1500 times. You were refused for 52 times, but you kept trying. 尼克:如果不尝试,你就永远不会知道你能做到什么。我的梦想就是影响尽可能多的人。我不在乎名利什么的。我只想尽一切可能来向人们传达希望。

