At the age of 35, Nathan, a would-be professor in New York State, should already have a permanent position at a university and p

admin2019-02-25  33

    At the age of 35, Nathan, a would-be professor in New York State, should already have a permanent position at a university and perhaps be publishing his second or third book. Instead, he’s working on a paper in sociology that he’d planned to complete a decade ago. He’s blown two "drop-dead" deadlines and is worried about missing a third. His girlfriend is losing patience. No one can understand why a guy they consider brilliant doesn’t "just do it". Nor, for that matter, can Nathan. "If I could change it, believe me, I would," he swears.
    Nathan is among the one in five people who chronically procrastinate, endangering careers and throwing away peace of mind, all the while repeating, " I should be doing something else right now. "
    Procrastination is not just an issue of time management or laziness. It’s about feeling paralyzed and guilty as you channel surf, knowing you should be studying or rethinking your investment strategy. Why the gap between incentive and action? Psychologists now believe it is a combination of several factors, some of which are anxiety and false beliefs about productivity.
    Tim Pychyl, Ph. D. , associate professor of psychology at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, tracked students with procrastination problems in the final week before a project was due. Students first reported anxiety and guilt because they had not started their projects. "They were telling themselves, ’ I work better under pressure’ or ’ This isn’t important’ ," says Pychyl. But as soon as they began to work, they reported more positive emotions: They no longer lamented wasted time, nor claimed that pressure helped. Psychologists have focused on procrastination among students because the problem is rampant in academic settings: some seventy percent of college students report problems with overdue papers and delayed studying, according to Joseph Ferrari, associate professor of psychology at Chicago’s DePaul University.
    Pychyl also found that procrastination is detrimental to physical health. College students who procrastinate have higher levels of drinking, smoking, insomnia, stomach problems, colds and flu.
    So why can’t people just buckle down and get the job done?
    False Beliefs Many procrastinators are convinced that they work better under pressure, or they’ll feel better about tackling the work later. But tomorrow never comes and last-minute work is often low quality. In spite of what they may believe, "Procrastinators generally don’t do well under pressure," says Ferrari. The idea that time pressure improves performance is perhaps the most common myth among procrastinators.

    Fear of Failure " The main reason people procrastinate is fear," says Nell Fiore, Ph. D. , author of The Now Habit. Procrastinators fear they’ll fall short because they don’t have the requisite talent or skills. "They get overwhelmed and they’re afraid they’ll look stupid. " According to Ferrari, " Procrastinators would rather be seen as lacking in effort than lacking in ability. " If you flunk a calculus exam, better to loudly blame it on the half-hour study blitz than admit to yourself that you could have used a tutor the entire semester.
    Perfectionism Procrastinators tend to be perfectionists—and they are in overdrive because they are insecure. People who do their best because they want to win don’t procrastinate: but those who feel they must be perfect to please others often put things off. These people fret that, " No one will love me if everything I do isn’t utter genius. " Such perfectionism is at the heart of many an unfinished novel.
    Thrill-seeking Some procrastinators enjoy the adrenaline "rush". These people find perverse satisfaction when they finish their taxes minutes before midnight on April 15 and dash to the post office just before it closes.
    Unclear Expectations Ambiguous directions and vague priorities increase procrastination. The boss who asserts that everything is high priority and due yesterday is more likely to be kept waiting. Supervisors who insist on "prioritizing the Jones project and using the Smith plan as a model" see greater productivity.
    Depression The blues can lead to or exacerbate procrastination—and vice versa. Several symptoms of depression feed procrastination. Decision-making is another problem. Because depressed people can’t feel much pleasure, all options seem equally bleak, which makes getting started difficult and pointless.
    It might be comforting for procrastinators to realize that there is a reason for why they procrastinate. But for the situation to change, they have to do something about it. And for a procrastinator, that is not so easy to do.
Questions 71 -75:
Complete the summary below with information from the passage, using no more than three words for each blank.
    Researchers find that the problem of procrastination is rampant among students. Most often they procrastinate when there is a gap between【R1】______. Psychologists also argue that procrastination is【R2】______physical health. Most procrastinators hold the false faith that time pressure improves performance.【R3】______ are more likely to procrastinate because they are insecure. Some procrastinators achieve【R4】______when they finish their chore at the last minute. Sometimes , a lack of【R5】______leads to procrastination when the boss stresses that everything is high priority.


答案incentive and action

解析 (根据空格前的“procrastination”和“gap”可定位至文章第三段。第三段主要讲述拖延症产生的原因,根据文意可知:在动力和行动不相协调时,就会出现“拖延症”。)
