
admin2021-07-13  48

问题 中国发展体育运动的目的是要通过在人民中普及体育运动,增强人民体质、提高人民对疾病的抵抗力、提高整个国家的运动技能、创造新纪录,来促进国家经济、道德和文化的发展。中国运动员不断保持世界纪录,或刷新世界纪录;适合老年人、残疾人和学前儿童的运动已得到来自政府及社会的广泛关注。武术和气功这两种以健康为目的的传统运动不仅在中国得到了很大的发展,而且在别的国家也备受青睐。特别是武术可以强身健体、锻造意志、提高人们擒拿格斗的技巧,更是广受欢迎。这种独特的中华民族运动引起了国外友人的兴趣,在世界各地被广泛教授。


答案 The purpose of developing physical culture and sports in China is to popularise sports among the people, strengthen their physique, enhance/improve their immunity from diseases, improve the sporting skills of the country as a whole and chalk up new records to promote the country’s economic as well as ethical and cultural developments. Chinese players have been holding the world records and chalking up new world records; sports for senior citizens, the handicapped and preschoolers have received special attention and support from the government and society at large. Wushu and Qigong, the two traditional health-oriented exercises have not only spread in China but gained favour in many other countries as well. Especially Wushu builds strong bodies, temper the willpowers, and improve training in fighting skills, and it is immensely popular in China. The unique Chinese national sport has also aroused interests in foreign friends and is taught in many countries throughout the world.

