
admin2013-10-08  38

问题   自从我们搬到郊外以来,天气渐渐清凉了。那短篱边牵延着毛豆叶子,已露出枯黄的颜色来,白色的小野菊,一丛丛由草堆里钻出头来,还有小朵的黄花在凉劲的秋风中抖颤,这一些景象,最容易勾起人们的秋思,况且身在异国呢!低声吟着帘卷西风,人比黄花瘦,这个小小的灵宫,是弥漫了怅惘的情绪。


答案 Soybean leaves on the low hedges are beginning to turn brownish yellow. Clusters of white chrysanthemums are vying to break through the rank weeds while tiny yellow ones are shivering in the chilly wind. The autumn scene is most apt to bring about a lonesome and desolate mood, especially when we are in a foreign country. My heart was filled with melancholy when I recited in a low voice the following lines of an ancient Chinese poet: When the west wind furls up the curtain, I’m more frail than the yellow chrysanthemum. One day, when the sky was a sea blue, the sunlight a light gold and the sweet scent of osmanthus flowers fitfully wafted over on the breeze, our study seemed all the more cheerless and quiet. Allured by the lovely sight outside the window, we could hardly concentrate on dull reading. At the suggestion of Bo, we decided to visit after lunch the nearby Kichijoji Temple to enjoy the autumn landscape. We started out after 3 pm by suburban train and it took us but a short while to get there.

