The question before us is no longer the nature of the challenge — the question is our capacity to meet it. For while the reality

admin2019-03-20  58

问题 The question before us is no longer the nature of the challenge — the question is our capacity to meet it. For while the reality of climate change is not in doubt, I have to be honest, as the world watches us today, I think our ability to take collective action is in doubt right now and it hangs in the balance.
I believe we can act boldly, and decisively, in the face of a common threat. That’s why I come here today — not to talk, but to act.
Now, as the world’s largest economy and as the world’s second largest emitter, America bears our responsibility to address climate change, and we intend to meet that responsibility. That’s why we’ve re-newed our leadership within international climate negotiations. That’s why we’ve worked with other nations to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. That’s why we’ve taken bold action at home — by making historic investments in renewable energy; by putting our people to work increasing efficiency in our homes and buildings; and by pursuing comprehensive legislation to transform to a clean energy economy.
These mitigation actions are ambitious, and we are taking them not simply to meet global responsibilities. We are convinced that changing the way that we produce and use energy is essential to America’s economic future — that it will create millions of new jobs, power new industries, keep us competitive, and spark new innovation.


答案 我们面临的问题不再是这一挑战的性质,而是我们应对这一挑战的能力。因为尽管气候变化的现实已毋庸置疑,但恕我直言,在今天全世界都注视着我们的时候,我认为现在我们共同采取行动的能力还难以确定,能否解决问题依然是个未知数。 我相信面对这一共同威胁,我们能够采取勇敢、果断的行动。这就是我为什么来到这里的原因——不是为了高谈阔论,而是为了付诸行动。 作为全世界最大的经济体和排放量名列第二的国家,美国在应对气候变化方面有自己的一份责任,我们准备尽这份责任。这就是为什么我们重新在国际气候变化谈判中发挥主导作用的原因。这就是为什么我们与其他国家共同努力,逐步取消化石燃料补贴的原因。这就是为什么我们在国内采取果敢行动的原因——对可再生能源进行前所未有的投资;要求我国相关人员努力提高住宅和建筑物的能效;争取通过综合立法向清洁能源经济转化。 这些减排行动意义深远。我们采取这些行动不仅是为了履行全球责任。我们相信改变我们生产和使用能源的方式对美国经济的未来必不可少。这样做将创造数以百万计新的就业岗位,为新兴行业提供动力,保持我们的竞争能力并激发新的创新。

