During the past decade, talent shows have been quite popular among Chinese audience. Despite the phenomenal response from the gr

admin2020-01-15  47

问题     During the past decade, talent shows have been quite popular among Chinese audience. Despite the phenomenal response from the grass root Chinese, shows of this kind are often criticized as vulgar and profane ones. The following are three excerpts of opinions towards talent shows. Read them carefully and write your response in NO LESS THAN 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions;
    2. express your opinion towards talent shows, especially whether talent shows should be restricted on TV channels.
Excerpt 1
    I don’t think the mass popularity of talent shows is a bad thing, but the precondition is that there must be enough originality, creativity and differences between such programs.
    Since the overwhelming success of Hunan TV Station’s talent show Super Girl in 2005, talent shows have hit major TV stations across China. The artistic presentation of these contests, with their unpredictability, has attracted a large number of viewers. However, at the same time, the similarity of such shows makes TV quite inanimate. Program producers must realize that not everyone is interested in such programs, with some needing a richer choice.
    Although no such programs have been labeled as "piracy," it’s obvious that most draw from similar programs broadcast abroad, with little originality and creativity. In order to win more viewers, some TV channels have directly purchased the copyright of popular overseas reality talent shows.
    Copying successful products is not a problem existing in the entertainment market alone. It might have something to do with a current lack of creativity in current Chinese society. Vitality of the cultural industry comes from originality and creativity. To always follow and copy others will turn the Chinese entertainment market into another "workshop" of simple and low value-added products.
Excerpt 2
    In recent years, talent shows, like singing contest programs, have produced some excellent programs and uncovered many talented stars, like singers and actors. It provides opportunities for such once unknown singers, which is a good practice for Chinese TV. However, we must realize that due to the excessive production of such programs that are quite similar to each other, there is a huge waste of resources and a waste of audience time.
Excerpt 3
    To deal with talent shows on TV, the best way out is not the application of administrative interference, but market rules.
    Many TV programs, including reality talent shows, flashy TV serials and dating shows, always manage to thrive despite relevant regulation and control. Some authorities hope to guide TV programs in a proper direction and hope that screens will not be packed with similar entertainment programs.
    Nevertheless, such kinds of interference seem unnecessary. As long as they stay within the law and social moral standards, enough tolerance should be given to these programs. Excessive administrative interference might lead to a monotony of programs and affect audience ratings.
Apart from singing shows, we need to have more other reality talent shows, so that more people will have the opportunity to present themselves and chase their dreams.


答案 Should Talent Shows Be Restricted on TV Channels? Following the success of Super Girl a decade ago, Chinese TV producers have competed with one another to stage more than a dozen similar programs so far. According to the first excerpt, these shows are similar to each other with little originality and creativity, and public excitement has abated as a result. Therefore, some people, represented by the second excerpt, argue that although these shows can provide opportunities for potential talents, they are resource-wasting and time-wasting. As to administrative restriction, Excerpt 3 contends that governmental interference is unnecessary since the market itself would determine the fate of reality shows. Different from this opinion, however, I believe we should restrict talent shows on TV channels. To begin with, talent shows in China usually feed on gossip and scandals instead of real talents, which exerts a negative influence on viewers. As a matter of fact, talent shows are now turned into highly-commercialized circus shows, to entertain rather than to enlighten audience. Moreover, the popularity of talent shows has sparked off unhealthy idol worship. Many so-called fans are in fact "fans", bought and prearranged. Different support groups even attacked each other by discrediting the "idol" the other group worshiped. This distorted dynamism behind the glamour and glory on TV is an enough reason to cut down on the number of talent shows, especially those rampant singing contests. Finally, the prevalence of talent shows creates a delusion of readily-available fame. Young people, who hardly keep their feet on the ground, now dream of a sudden leap to stardom. Their flames of fantasy are further fueled by overnight sensations such as Li Yuchun in Super Girl. In a talent show, ironically, not everyone is gifted. It is essential to stay realistic. What our society needs is cool-headed talents with substantial competence. In short, talent shows in China are mostly of questionable quality and misleading concepts. Therefore, we should restrict the quantity and the gimmicks which have plagued the shows.

解析     材料给出了针对选秀节目的三种不同看法。
    选段二指出,选秀节目确实发掘了一些有才华的无名歌手。但这类节目同时也浪费了资源和观众的时间(waste of resources and...audience time)。
    选段三认为,对于泛滥的选秀节目,政府部门的管理不是最好的方式,要靠市场法则(market rules)。管理部门过度的干预(interference)会导致节目千篇一律。除了歌唱比赛,还应有其他形式的选秀节目以便于更多的人展示才华。
