Two million international tourists visit New Zealand each year: that’s one tourist for every two locals. Attracted by the countr

admin2018-08-31  44

问题     Two million international tourists visit New Zealand each year: that’s one tourist for every two locals. Attracted by the country’s natural beauty, they also find a thriving urban culture, and a society very much in touch with global trends. // When we show our country to visitors, we are reminded of just how spectacular New Zealand is. Snow-capped mountains, golden beaches, shining lakes and ancient rainforests: it really is just like the postcards.  //
    Because of our sparse population, it is always possible to find a peaceful spot to be alone with nature. One of the most popular holiday activities is camping: staying in tents or simple huts in the forest, or near a beach or river. Away from the noise and bustle of the city you can enjoy outdoor activities like fishing, walking and swimming. Most of New Zealand’s scenic highlights are found in National Parks, which are freely open to the public.   //


答案 每年有大约两百万的国际旅游者到新西兰观光:每两个新西兰人就要接待一个旅游者。被新西兰自然美景吸引的观光游客还发现新西兰拥有日益繁荣的都市文化,也是一个紧随国际潮流的国家。当我们把我们的国家展现给观光者时,我们也意识到新西兰是如此的壮丽迷人。白雪皑皑的山脉、金色绵绵的沙滩、波光粼粼的湖泊,还有那古老的雨林:一切真的就像明信片一般美丽。 我们人口稀少,因此要想找一个与大自然独处的宁静之地永远不成问题。在新西兰,最受欢迎的度假活动之一是野外露营:住在林间、海滨、河边的帐篷里或简单的小木屋里。远离城市的喧嚣和忙碌,你可以尽情享受各种室外活动,例如钓鱼、散步和游泳等。大部分新西兰迷人的风景都能在国家公园里找到,这些国家公园对大众免费开放。

