Science presently placed novel and dangerous facilities in the hands of the most powerful countries. Humanity was informed that

admin2012-03-23  43

问题     Science presently placed novel and dangerous facilities in the hands of the most powerful countries. Humanity was informed that it could make machines that would fly through the air and vessels which could swim beneath the surface of the seas. The conquest of the air and the perfection of the art of flying fulfilled the dream which for thousands of years had glittered in human imagination. Certainly it was a marvelous and romantic event. Whether the bestowal of this gift upon an immature civilization composed of competing nations whose nationalism grew with every advance of democracy and who were as yet devoid of international organization was a blessing or a curse has yet to be proved. On the whole I remain an optimist. For good or ill, air mastery is today the supreme expression of military power, and fleets and armies, however necessary, must accept a subordinate rank. This is a memorable milestone in the march of man.


答案 目前,科学给最强大的国家带来最新潮、最危险的装备。历史告知人类,科学能够制造横穿高空的飞机,也能够制造畅游海底的轮船。人类对高空的征服和飞行技术的日臻完善使人类几千年的夙愿得以实现,这是多么奇妙、多么富有传奇色彩的历史时刻呀!当然,当前人类文明尚未完全成熟,各民族间的竞争异常激烈,民族主义也随着民主化进程而滋生,而国际组织尚未得到建立,因此科技进步这个馈赠给人类的礼物是福是祸尚待证明。但是,总体来说,我对当前形势仍保持乐观态度。不管怎样,制空权在当今是一个国家军事实力的最高表现,而陆海二军无论如何必要,都必须屈居次要地位。这是人类进程史上值得纪念的里程碑。

解析     这段材料选自丘吉尔在麻省理工大学开学典礼上(1949)发表的演说。选段部分表达了他对科学的态度,较为客观,翻译时要特别注意长句和句子间逻辑关系的处理;不仅如此,考虑到演说是面对现场听众的,译文的语言风格也要符合演说的风格,饱含热情,有极强的号召力和感染力。
    3.the conquest of air可译为“对高空的征服”;the perfection of the art of fly可译为“飞行技术的日臻完善”。
    4.将Certainly it was a marvelous and romantic event处理为感叹句,更能体现演讲的激情。
    5.第五句主语的修饰成分较多,翻译时需理清语法关系.进行拆译。当定语太多、太长时,不能纯粹罗列,这样容易造成翻译腔,可用汉语小句处理;competing nations可译为“各民族间竞争异常激烈”:nationalism为“民族主义”;devoid of意为“缺乏”,在此可处理为“尚未建立”;yet to be proved尚待证明。 optimist意为“乐观主义者”,但用在此处演讲中略显翻译腔,因此处理为“保持乐观态度”。
    7.for good or ill“不管怎样”;supreme expression“最高表现”。
    8.memorable milestone“值得纪念的里程碑”。
