人类社会的发展进入了快车道。现代都市文明的产物——抑郁症等心理或精神疾病正开始折磨着人们。心理学家和医生认为21世纪将是心理疾病高发时代。据估计,本世纪大约有3%的人需要心理治疗。大部分人的心理问题可以通过自我调整来控制。 不少学者指出,我们应该更加

admin2010-07-19  45

问题     人类社会的发展进入了快车道。现代都市文明的产物——抑郁症等心理或精神疾病正开始折磨着人们。心理学家和医生认为21世纪将是心理疾病高发时代。据估计,本世纪大约有3%的人需要心理治疗。大部分人的心理问题可以通过自我调整来控制。


答案 The development of human society has entered a thoroughfare. The product of modern urban civilization—psychological or mental illnesses such as depression have begun to torment people. Psychiatrists and doctors hold that the 21stcentury will be a time with a high rate of psychological illnesses. It is estimated that three percent of the population would need psychological therapy in the century. Most of them would have psychological problems that can be controlled by self-adjustment. Quite a few scholars have pointed out that we should pay more attention to educating children. Teach them to love people, care for the society and community. Cultivate them to have a better sense of responsibility and confidence; to be more sociable and ready to help others, to be more understanding and considerate to others, and to have the ability to think and solve problems by themselves. This is because, compared with the former generations, the children of today have to cope with more emotional problems such as nervousness, loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

