Video games will be forced to carry cigarette-style health warnings under proposals to protect children from unsuitable digital

admin2015-02-12  28

问题     Video games will be forced to carry cigarette-style health warnings under proposals to protect children from unsuitable digital material.
    The report, commissioned by the Prime Minister in response to a growing moral panic about video games, will conclude that they can harm the development of children’s beliefs and value systems and desensitise them to violence. The report, written by Tanya Byron, the clinical psychologist and television parenting guru, is also expected to address the dangers of children’s use of the internet. She will call for a massive campaign to educate parents, teachers and childcarers about how to ensure that children get maximum benefit from the digital world without being exposed to its dangers.
    This will include a drive for greater awareness of inappropriate content such as pornography. Parents will be encouraged to monitor children’s online use and keep computers in living rooms rather than bedrooms. Dr. Byron, a Times columnist who has two children aged 9 and 12, said that video and online games could have enormous benefits "in terms of learning and development", but that there was too little awareness among parents about the associated risks they posed and how to manage those risks. "You would not send your child to the pool without teaching them to swim, so why would you let them online without teaching them to manage the risks?" she said.
    Dr. Byron said that the current classification system for video games was confusing and not tough enough. At present only games showing sex or gross violence require an age rating from the British Board of Film Classification and fewer than 2 per cent of titles carry an 18-certificate.
    The alternative Pan-European Game Information system is considered to be ineffective because it uses symbols that are confusing and distributors effectively chose their own ratings by filling in a form about their product. Dr. Byron wants a single statutory classification system. Ratings would have to be displayed prominently on all packaging materials, like health warnings on cigarettes, as well as on shop display cases.
    "We have to make child digital safety a priority. If you are under 18, you should not be able to buy an ’18’ game and if you are under 12, you should not be able to buy a ’12’ game," she said. She also wants all games’ consoles to contain blocking mechanisms that would enable parents to prevent children playing unsuitable games on them.
The report on video games is______.

选项 A、a response to the increasing concern
B、written by government officials
C、an arousal of people’s sensation towards violence
D、a prelude of a massive campaign


解析 属事实细节题。选项B犯了偷梁换柱的错误,第二段第一句讲到这份报告是总理委托专人发布的,但并非政府官员所撰写,故错误。选项C犯了无中生有的错误,这份报告是为了让人们关注儿童使用网络的问题,而非选项所讲的内容,故错误。选项D属于无关干扰,文章并未提及报告与运动之间的关系,故错误。第二段第一句就讲到这份报告的发布是对人们对于电脑游戏日益增长的恐慌情绪的回应,故选项A符合题意。
