传说在漓江淹死的水手变成了鬼,这种鬼会拽航行于急流中的船只,当船经过村庄,竹林和迷雾萦绕的山冈的时候,船上的人有种面对一幅中国国画而觉得时间倒流的感觉。本地的筏子实际上依然靠人力拖着逆流而上,有些是由男人和女人牵引。 途中,著名的山景映入眼帘:象鼻山

admin2010-05-14  45

问题     传说在漓江淹死的水手变成了鬼,这种鬼会拽航行于急流中的船只,当船经过村庄,竹林和迷雾萦绕的山冈的时候,船上的人有种面对一幅中国国画而觉得时间倒流的感觉。本地的筏子实际上依然靠人力拖着逆流而上,有些是由男人和女人牵引。


答案 According to legend, the sailors drowned in the Lijiang River would become the ghosts, who would pull the ships sailing in the torrents. When the ships passed through villages, bamboo forests and low hills with hovering thick fog, the tourists on the ships felt as if the time would turn back while they looked at a traditional Chinese painting. Actually, the local rafts were still towed up against the current by manpower, with some of them pulled by men and women. On the way, the famous hill scene came into the tourists’ view. The Trunk Hill is located on the outskirts of Guilin, and it is like an elephant drinking water on the riverside. The Old Man Peak is like a person’ s profile and neck. There is also a steep hill called the Nine-Horse Hill with various colorful vines, and it is like a drove of horses in different shapes, stretching their necks to neigh, bending their knees to drink water or lying to rest. When the ships went through the Gong-and-Drum Beach, and the rapid flowing water sounded like gongs and drums. Still ahead were the Diejin Hill and the Crescent Hill. The Diejin Hill was covered with colorful vegetation, and there was a crescent cave at the top of the Crescent Hill.

