A、To tell people the right time to take notes. B、To help people learn the better way to take notes. C、To study how many words st

admin2016-03-29  50

It’s a fact: Most students can type faster than they can write. So it’s only logical that typing notes on a laptop would be better when listening to a fast-paced lecture or presentation than laboriously writing them on a yellow legal pad, right? Well,(23)it may be logical, but it turns out to be wrong. In a recent series of studies, psychologists Mueller and Oppenheimer compared the performance of students who were asked to write out their notes on paper or to type them on a laptop. The results were stunning: Consistently across all measures, those who wrote out their notes longhand outperformed those who typed them on their laptops. In all cases, students who used laptops took more notes, but their notes were essentially rote transcriptions of the lectures. The information seemed to go from the lecturer to the computer with the student serving as a go-between rather than a learner.(24)In contrast, the notes taken by those writing longhand showed stronger conceptual understanding. Even more surprising, when students were allowed to study their notes before a test a week later, those whose notes were in longhand scored higher across the board. Why is the difference?(25)Mueller and Oppenheimer attribute the results to the differences in the types of cognitive processing that are triggered by slow writing and rapid typing. Because writing by hand is slower, students can’t possibly write down everything they hear. So they take the time to carefully listen, digest, and summarize the material in real time during the lecture. They learn while they listen. Because typing is rapid, students focus on simply getting all the words on paper without actually thinking about what they are typing.
23. What is the purpose of the study?
24. What can we learn about the two types of note-taking?
25. What leads to the difference between the results of the two types of note-taking?

选项 A、To tell people the right time to take notes.
B、To help people learn the better way to take notes.
C、To study how many words students can type per minute.
D、To train students’ computer-related skills.


解析 推理判断题。本题问的是此项调查的目的是什么。短文开头提到,大多数学生打字都比写字要快,所以可以由此得出一个合乎逻辑的结论:在听一个快节奏的演讲或展示时,在笔记本电脑上记笔记要比费劲地在便签纸上记笔记好的多。这个结论可能合乎逻辑,但结果却证明是错误的,最近一系列由Mueller和Oppenheimer所做的研究却得出了相反的结论。由此可知,研究帮助人们了解了哪种方法是记笔记的好方法。
