
admin2011-01-09  61

问题     当前,亚欧两地区都处于蓬勃发展的阶段。亚洲是世界上最具经济活力的地区,资源丰富,市场广阔,区域合作方兴未艾。欧盟是世界上最大的发达经济体,资本充裕,科技先进,一体化程度高。两地区政治上共识很多,经济上优势互补,文化上各具特色,为开展更广泛和具有实质性的对话与合作奠定了坚实基础。亚欧会议扩大后,成员国人口达24亿,占世界人口40%,国内生产总值超过全球一半,在国际事务中将发挥更大的作用。//


答案 As things stand now, both Asia and Europe are in a phase of robust growth. On the one hand, enjoying the world’s most dynamic economic growth, Asia boasts rich resources, broad markets, and robust regional cooperation. On the other, being the world’s largest developed economy, the highly integrated EU abounds in capital and possesses sophisticated science and technology. The two regions, which are both renowned for their unique cultures, share political common ground in a wide range of areas and benefit from their economic complementarities. This has laid a solid foundation for more extensive and substantive dialogue and cooperation. The member states of an enlarged ASEM have a population of 2.4 billion, accounting for 40% of the world’s total and produce over half of the world’s GDP. Such an ASEM will play a more important role in international affairs. // The international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes in the new century. Peace and development remain the themes of our times. The trends of world multi-polarization and economic globalization are unfolding amidst twists and turns. Science and technology are advancing by leaps and bounds. The movement of industries and capital is picking up speed. Regional integration and cooperation are going in depth. The global economy has seen a good growth momentum. However, the world is far from tranquil and development uneven between regions. Destabilizing factors and uncertainties axe on the increase in international relations. // Regional conflicts sparked by ethnic and religious contradictions and boundary and territorial disputes crop up from time to time. Non-traditional security factors like terrorism, cross-border crimes, spread of infectious diseases and pollution of the environment have posed an ever-growing threat. In face of new opportunities and challenges, we should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs, step up dialogue and cooperation in an all-round manner, gradually advance the ASEM process on the basis of consensus, substantiate and invigorate a new and comprehensive Asia-Europe partnership, and remain committed to the principle of openness at the same time, thus jointly contributing to world peace, development and progress. //

