In 1975, photographer Michel Comte stood up before scientists, business leaders and politicians at the Club of Rome to deliver a

admin2022-10-09  36

问题     In 1975, photographer Michel Comte stood up before scientists, business leaders and politicians at the Club of Rome to deliver a speech about the climate disaster he believed was on the horizon. Back then, he was still a student, and a little nervous— but he could sense the future. Now, Comte’s recent works incorporating black carbon fallout from the jet stream, shown in Rome and Milan, prove just how right he was to speak out.
    Comte’s message was echoed last week in the UK, when thousands of schoolchildren—inspired by 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg—took to the streets to pressure the government into taking action on climate change. Like Comte, they have seen a bleak future ahead and are speaking out.
    Sadly, that hasn’t been the case for most artistic and cultural institutions, which have spent the last few decades responding to climate change with little more than silence. They have been dangerously complicit in desensitizing society to what’s really at stake.
    But there is hope in the air. Tate Modern have an Olafur Eliasson retrospective scheduled for this summer—his Ice Watch project was recently invited to melt away outside the museum. As for Comte, he is about to board a sailing boat for a challenging passage to the Arctic, creating a monumental multimedia art installation calling for us to change our ways before it’s too late. If we allow more artists such as these to become part of the conversation, we will have a culture fit for the generation of children who took to our streets.
    When artist Yi Dai opened her first solo show in Berlin, she received rapturous reviews praising her subtle and intelligent coverage of environmental topics. Misfits, Offcuts and Castaways, was an urgent statement reflecting on the aftereffects of nuclear fallout and rising sea temperatures, and the fragility of our ecosystem. Her exhibition was as much a personal account of her experience on the Marshall Islands as it was a call to action following the then-warmest winter in recorded history.
    Tales of Change brings together stories of how climate change is impacting communities in some of the planet’s most iconic mountain ranges. Its protagonist, Florian Reber, cycled across the Alps, starting in Trieste on the Adriatic coast and arriving in Cannes, at the
    Mediterranean Sea. Along the way, he talked with farmers, foresters, conservationists, tourism experts, alpinists and professional athletes, psychologists, writers and journalists about climate change.
    Periods of tumultuous weather extremes are the consistent findings, including a pronounced drought that left many rivers and sources in the southern Dolomites dried out. This was followed by the strongest fohn storms in recent years, causing record temperatures in October. Next came torrential rain and strong winds brought about by cyclone Vaia, uprooting thousands of trees and causing casualties. While this trip involved cycling 1, 180 miles, climbing more than 35,000 vertical metres and mastering two dozen mountain passes in winter, the intrepid explorer is now getting ready to widen his reach towards the Rocky Mountains and Himalayas. The project has been on display in Switzerland and Italy but, like Reber, is constantly moving.


答案 1975年,摄影师米歇尔.孔德(Michel Comte)在罗马俱乐部(Club of Rome)发表演讲。他站在科学家、商界领袖和政界人士面前,提出气候灾难即将到来的观点。那时,他还是个学生。有些紧张,但他能感知未来。最近,孔德利用喷射气流产生的黑碳沉降物创作的作品在罗马和米兰展出,证明了他当时的直言不讳是多么的正确。 上周,孔德的观点在英国得到支持。当时,数千名学生在一位16岁的气候变化活动人士格蕾塔.通贝里(Greta Thunberg)的启发下走上街头,向政府施压,要求其采取行动应对气候变化。与孔德一样,他们也看到未来黯淡的前景。并大声疾呼。 然而,在过去几十年里,大部分艺术和文化机构应对气候变化问题的态度消极。它们串通一气,蒙蔽大众,让其忽视真正严重的问题。 但希望依然存在。泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)今年夏天将举办一场奥拉维尔.埃利亚松(Olafur Eliasson)回顾展——最近,埃利亚松受邀将其冰块放置博物馆外融化。至于孔德,他将登上一艘开往北极的帆船,开始一段富有挑战性的旅程,并在那里创作一件巨大的多媒体艺术装置,呼吁大家在为时已晚之前改变我们的生活方式。如果我们让更多这样的艺术家参与到环境保护的对话中来,我们将为走上街头抗议的这一代入营造更为良好的文化环境。 艺术家戴祎(Yi Dai)在柏林举办的首场个展得到交口称赞,观众认为她精妙而睿智地揭露了环境问题。“残垣断璧”(Misfits, Offcuts and Castaways)是一份反映核辐射和海洋温度上升的后果,以及生态系统脆弱性的紧急声明。她的展览既是对她在马绍尔群岛(Marshall Islands)经历的描述,也是对经历了历史上最温暖的冬天后采取行动的呼吁。 “气候变化的故事”(Tales of Change)汇集了气候变化如何影响地球上一些最具标志性山脉的当地故事。活动发起者弗洛里安.雷伯(Florian Reber)骑自行车从亚得里亚海沿岸的里雅斯特出发,穿越阿尔卑斯山,抵达地中海的戛纳。一路上,他与农民、护林员、自然资源保护者、旅游专家、阿尔卑斯登山运动员、职业运动员、心理学家、作家和记者交流气候变化的问题,他发现这些地区不断遭遇极端天气。首先是显著干旱导致白云石山脉南部许多河流和水源干涸。紧随其后的是近年来最强劲的佛恩 (fohn)风暴,导致10月份的气温创历史纪录。再接下来是瓦亚(Vaia)飓风带来的暴雨和强风,导致数千棵树木被连根拔起,造成人员伤亡。这趟旅程全长1,180英里,需要攀登3.5万多米的垂直高度,并在冬季穿越24条山路。这位勇敢的探险家现在正准备扩大他的探险范围,前往落基山脉和喜马拉雅山。该项目已经在瑞士和意大利展出。就像雷伯不断探索一样,它也将在不同地方出展。

解析     1.第1段第一句末on the horizon为固定搭配,意思是likeIy to happen soon“即将发生”,故此处应译作“即将”。
    2.第4段第一句in the air为固定搭配,意思是“被许多人感觉到存在或正在发生”。结合本文语境,此处可译作“存在”。
