中国功夫(Chinese Kung Fu)是一种极具民族特色的传统体育项目,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。它汲取了儒家(Confucianism)和道家(Taoism)的思想精华,体现了古人对生命和宇宙的领悟。功夫不仅是一种格斗技能(fighting tech

admin2019-07-19  101

问题     中国功夫(Chinese Kung Fu)是一种极具民族特色的传统体育项目,是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产。它汲取了儒家(Confucianism)和道家(Taoism)的思想精华,体现了古人对生命和宇宙的领悟。功夫不仅是一种格斗技能(fighting technique),更代表一种精神——中国人民坚持不懈和不屈不挠的精神。20世纪60年代,李小龙(Bruce Lee)将中国功夫融入好莱坞电影,使中国功夫举世闻名。这些功夫电影肩负了传播中国文化的重任。如今,很多外国人认为中国功夫充满奇迹和魔力,因此对学习中国功夫具有浓厚的兴趣。


答案Chinese Kung Fu, a valuable cultural heritage of the Chinese nation, is a traditional sport event with unique ethnic characteristics. Taking in the essence of Confucianism and Taoism, it embodies ancient people’s comprehension of life and the universe. It is not only a fighting technique, but also represents a spirit—the persistence and perseverance of Chinese people. In the 1960s, Bruce Lee blended Chinese Kung Fu with Hollywood movies, making it well known to the World. These Kung Fu movies shouldered the responsibility of spreading Chinese culture. Nowadays, lots of foreigners consider that Chinese Kung Fu is full of wonder and magic, so they have a keen interest in learning it.

解析 1.首句可把“中国功夫是传统体育项目”译为主句;“是中华民族宝贵的文化遗产”可作插入语,置于主语之后,对主语作进一步说明,译为a valuable cultural heritage of the Chinese nation。
2.第二句是两个并列的短句,可译为并列句。或像译文那样,将“它蕴含着……”译为主句,“汲取了……”译为现在分词短语taking in…作状语。
3.第三句的主语是“功夫”,两个并列谓语“不仅是”和“更代表”可以套用英语not only…but also的句型,此句型强调的是后者,与原文强调“更是一种精神”相符。
4.第四句后半句“使中国功夫举世闻名”是前半句“李小龙将中国功夫融入好莱坞电影”带来的结果,因此可将前半句确定为主句,后半句处理为现在分词结构making it well known to the world作状语。
