请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求完成作答。 请根据上述材料完成下列任务: 依据上述拟定的教学目标,设计新授课导入和故事理解环节的教学活动并说明理由。

admin2023-03-14  33

问题 请认真阅读下列材料,并按要求完成作答。



答案新授课导入和故事理解环节的教学活动 Lead-in: Play a short video named Little Fox and invite students to sing and dance together.Then show the picture of the fox and grapes to let them guess what story may happen between them and lead in the topic. 【设计意图】 唱歌和跳舞可以营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,使学生在课堂上活跃起来。提供与主题相关的生动图片,要求学生预测故事内容,有利于培养学生的想象力,从而自然地引出本课主题。 While-reading: ①First reading(Skinning) Show some options on the screen and ask students to read the story quickly in two minutes to find out the main content.Then invite several students to choose the most appropriate option that can conclude the main content of the story to cheek their prediction.. ②Second reading(Scanning) Show three pictures on the screen,and then ask students to read the story again in five minutes to decide whether the following statements are True(T) or False(F) and find sentences from the story to support their views. A fox wants to find something to eat because he is hungry.( ) The fox comes to a house and sees a lot of grapes behind the house.( ) The grapes are very sour and they make the fox’s mouth water.( ) The fox tries very hard to grab the grapes and he gets the grapes.( ) Later,invite several students to show their answers and views. ③Third reading(Inferring) Ask students to read the story again in five minutes to understand the feelings and thoughts of the fox and then discuss the following questions in groups of four: Q1:Are the grapes really not ripe yet? Q2:What do you think of the fox? Q3:What lesson can you draw from this story? After that,invite some groups to share their ideas with the rest of the class. 【设计意图】 第一遍略读,通过匹配活动帮助学生获取故事的大意,验证预测内容;第二遍寻读,通过判断正误并从原文查找语句来引导学生理解故事细节内容,获取故事的表层信息;第三遍再读,让学生透过表层信息去领悟故事的深层信息和内涵,有利于学生更好地把握故事情节和寓意。

