The world is at a social, environmental and economic tipping point. Subdued growth, rising inequalities and accelerating climate

admin2021-01-17  46

问题     The world is at a social, environmental and economic tipping point. Subdued growth, rising inequalities and accelerating climate change provide the context for a backlash against capitalism, globalization, technology, and elites. There is gridlock in the international governance system and escalating trade and geopolitical tensions are fueling uncertainty. This holds back investment and increases the risk of supply shocks: disruptions to global supply chains, sudden price spikes or interruptions in the availability of key resources.
    Persistent weaknesses in the drivers of productivity growth are among the principal culprits. In advanced, emerging and developing economies, productivity growth started slowing in 2000 and decelerated further after the crisis. Between 2011 and 2016, "total factor productivity growth"—or the combined growth of inputs, like resources and labour, and outputs—grew by 0.3 percent in advanced economies and 1.3 percent in emerging and developing economies.
    The financial crisis added to this deceleration. Investments are undermined by uncertainty, low demand and tighter credit conditions. Many of the structural reforms designed to revive productivity that were promised by policy-makers did not materialize.
    Governments must better anticipate the unintended consequences of technological integration and implement complementary social policies that support populations through the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Economies with strong innovation capability must improve their talent base and the functioning of their labour markets.
    Adaption is critical. We need a well-functioning labour market that protects workers, not jobs. Advanced economies need to develop their skills base and tackle rigidities in their labour markets. As innovation capacity grows, emerging economies need to strengthen their skills and labour market to minimize the risks of negative social spillovers.
    Sustainable economic growth remains the surest route out of poverty and a core driver of human development For the past decade, growth has been weak and remains below potential in most developing countries, seriously hampering progress on several of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
    The world is not on track to meet any of the SDGs. Least developed countries have missed the target of 7 percent growth every year since 2015. Extreme poverty reduction is decelerating. 3.4 billion people—or 46 percent of the world’s population—lived on less than US$5.50 a day and struggled to meet basic needs. After years of steady decline, hunger has increased and now affects 826 million up from 784 million in 2015. A total of 20 percent of Africa’s population is undernourished. The "zero hunger" target will almost certainly be missed.


答案 当今世界无论是在社会、环境还是经济方面都处于一个临界点。经济增长停滞不前、不平等现象加剧和气候变化加快催生了对资本主义、全球化、科技和精英阶层的抵制情绪。国际治理体系陷入了瘫痪,愈演愈烈的贸易和地缘政治紧张局势使不确定性进一步增加。这抑制了投资、增加了供给冲击风险,包括全球供应链紊乱、价格突然飙升或关键资源供给中断等。其中,生产力提高动力的持续疲软是罪魁祸首之一。发达国家、新兴经济体和发展中国家的生产力增长速度在2000年时开始放缓,并在危机之后进一步放慢。2011年到2016年期间,“全要素生产率”(即资源与劳动力等的投入和产出总增长率)在发达国家的增长为0.3%,在新兴经济体和发展中国家则为1.3%。金融危机导致增长速度进一步放慢,投资受不确定性增加、需求降低和信贷情况收紧等影响持续走低。决策者原本承诺要重振生产率,并设计了许多结构性改革方案,但这方案都没有实行。 政府必须对技术整合的意外结果做出更好的预测,同时实补救性社会政策,以帮助群众度过第四次工业革命。具有强大创新能力的经济体要增加人才储备,优化劳动力市场的运作。因地制宜十分关键。我们需要一个健全的劳动力市场来保护劳动者,而不是保住工作。发达国家需要发展技术基础,同时解决劳动力市场中存在的一些“顽疾”。随着创新能力的提高,新兴经济体要提高其技能、加强劳动市场的建设,将负面社会溢出效应的风险降至最低。可持续性经济增长依旧是消除贫困的最可靠途径,也是人类发展的核心动力。在过去十年中,许多发展中国家的经济增长依旧疲软,增长潜力没有完全释放,严重阻碍了联合国“2030年可持续发展目标(SDGs)”中几个目标的实现进程。就目前世界的情况来看,各个目标的实现进程还未步入正轨。最不发达国家并未实现自2015年起经济每年增长7%的目标。极端贫困消除进程在放慢。还有占世界人口46%的34亿人每天的生活费低于5. 5美元,难以满足基本需求。饥饿率在多年稳定下降之后,如今已出现回弹,饥饿人口从2015年的7. 84亿上升到现在的8. 26亿。总计有20%的非洲人口处于营养不良的状态。“零饥饿”的目标基本上可以确定无法实现。

解析 shocks为经济名词,即“供给冲击”,是指可能引起生产能力和成本变化的事件。 factor productivity为经济名词,译作“全要素生产率”,是指生产活动在一定时间内的效率,是衡量单位总投入的总产量的生产率指标,即总产量与全部要素投入量之比。
3.subdued原意为“闷闷不乐的,抑郁的”,这里用来形容经济增长,可译作“受抑制的,停滞不前的”。本句中provide the context for原意为“为……提供了背景”,根据上下文可译成“催生了……”,避免翻译腔。
4. uncertainty, low demand and tighter credit conditions为三个并列名词结构,但如果直译成“不确定性、低需求和收紧的信贷情况”,结构不够整齐,因此可将三个短语统一为主谓结构,即改为“不确定性增加、需求降低和信贷情况收紧”,这样更符合中文的表达习惯。
5.materialize为多义词,有“使具体化、物质化”、“实现、实行”等义项,这里是用作structural reforms“结构性改革方案”的谓语,所以选择“实现、实行”这一义项。
6.there be句型一般不可直译。本句若直译为“在国际治理体系有一个瘫痪……”,完全不符合中文的行文习惯,因此可灵活处理为“国际治理体系陷入了瘫痪”。
7.插入成分or…是对主语total factor productivity进行定义。因此可放在括号中,起说明作用。
8.spillover本意为“容纳不下的部分”,spillovers作经济名词时即为spillover effects,译作“溢出效应”,是指一个组织在进行某项活动时,不仅会产生活动所预期的效果,而且会对组织之外的人或社会产生的影响
9.UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals首字母缩写为SDGs,是联合同为解决社会、经济和环境三个维度的发展问题而提出的力争到2030年实现的17个可持续发展目标。
12.out of poverty直译为“走出贫困、摆脱贫困”,但更常用更规范的表达为“消除贫困”。
13.below potential直译为“在潜力之下”不太符合中文的表达习惯,可处理为一个动词结构,即“潜力没有完全释放”。
14. The world is not on track to meet any of the SDGs如果直译为“世界不在实现任何一个(可持续发展)目标的轨道上”,十分生硬,可灵活变动一下结构,译为“就目前世界的情况来看,各个目标的实现进程还未步入正轨”。
