一只泪流满面的猴子 从前,有一只猴子。他没有父母和亲人,缺乏管教。当他日益强大的时候,这个弱点给了他一个终生难忘的教训,他被一个叫释迦的和尚用一座大山压了五百年。 我在一本名叫《西游记》的书里读到关于这只猴子的故事。他后来被一个姓唐的和尚救了,

admin2013-01-24  50

问题                                  一只泪流满面的猴子


答案 A Tearful Monkey Once upon a time, there was a monkey. Having no parents or any other blood relations, he had not had upbringing of any kind. When he became magically powerful and uncontrollably wild, this fatal weakness of his taught him the lesson of his life: he was held down to the ground for 500 years by a big mountain brought to bear on him by a master Buddha ... I read about the monkey in a novel entitled The Pilgrimage to the West. This monkey, the novel recounted, was released by a monk surnamed Tang, and was accepted by the latter as one of his disciples to escort him on his adventure. This story is so interesting that it almost beguiled the whole of my childhood. Many, many years later, I started to amuse my kid with the same story. One day, when I came to the part about the formidable ordeals the monkey underwent while performing his duty, my son suddenly murmured," Monkey King is really very pitiable!" Surprised, I asked why. He replied," What’s the point of accompanying a good-for-nothing master on his trip to get those worthless scriptures.9 He should have rebelled again against Heaven." This answer kept me awake the whole night. As day was breaking, I seemed to see again the face which often appeared in my dream while I myself was a kid, the face of that monkey, of course. The monkey is weeping.

