Worries about the future of tribal peoples are in many ways a continuation of what has been going on for a very long time. Indiv

admin2013-06-12  29

问题     Worries about the future of tribal peoples are in many ways a continuation of what has been going on for a very long time. Individual peoples have always been massacred, enslaved or deprived of their freedom think of the peoples under the Aztecs, or the tribal peoples of India. Pressures on tribal peoples are not intrinsically related to modernity or capitalism.
    Attempts to look after tribal peoples are also relatively old. Groups such as the Aborigines Protection Society or the Anti-Slavery Association date back to the last century. But what is new today is the scale and speed of expansion into areas inhabited by aboriginal peoples. Most tribal peoples survive in areas which traditionally have been marginal to business—the Arctic, the desert, tropical forests. It is their bad luck that in many cases these are unexploited mineral-rich regions that are now coming under pressure.
    Another development is the move away from paternalistic protection. The 1960s, when the pressures on the tribal peoples of Amazonia first came to public attention, was a period of liberal thinking. People were shocked, groups like Survival International were set up, and there was a feeling that tribal peoples would disappear unless we in the West did something about it-we, the very people who were creating the pressures in the first place!
    Now the weight has shifted from westerners trying to look after tribal peoples to tribal peoples being given the power to look after themselves.


答案 部落民族的未来令人担忧,他们在许多方面的问题都是长期的历史问题的延续。一个个的部族遭屠杀,受奴役,被剥夺自由,阿兹特克人统治下的部族或印度的部族就是例证。部族受到的压迫与现代社会或资本主义并无内在联系。 为保护部族所做的努力也已有相当长的历史。土著人保护会和反奴隶制联合会之类的团体上个世纪就已经成立了。然而今天的新问题是,对土著民族居住区的蚕食规模大、速度快。大多数部族残存在传统上远离商业的地区——北极地区、沙漠地带、热带森林。他们的厄运是,这些地方往往是尚未开发的矿藏丰富区,而这些地区现在正承受压力。

解析     首句中的Worries…continuation直泽成“对……的担忧是……的继续”不易理解。Worries about…的前提是“有人担忧……”,这里不妨译成“……令人担忧”。之所以有担忧,是因为有问题,所以在“……令人担忧”之后,不妨另起一句,添加“他们的问题”作为主语。tribal peoples中的people应当按“民族”理解,tribal people即“部落民族”或“部族”。既然中文的主语是“他们的问题”,what has been going on for a long time就可以译成“长期的历史问题”。第二句中的individual后面的中心词是复数,这里如果译成“个别的”或“单独的”,会偏离原文意思,不如译成“一个个”。under the Aztecs意为“在阿兹特克人统治下”。pressures从上下文看,这里可以译成“压迫”。modernity这里译成抽象的“现代性”或“现代状态”都不恰当,最好还是译成具体的“现代社会”。第二段中的look after原意为“照看,照料”,从下文的protection看,这里可以理解为“保护”。aborigines意为“土著人”。有人认为这个词带有贬义,应该译成“原住民”。date back to原意为“追溯到”。说一个组织追溯到某一时候,也就是该组织“(那时)已经成立了”。scale and speed这里的“规模和速度”是说“规模大,速度快”。expansion into的原意为“向……里的扩张”,这里可以译成“蚕食”。survive这里翻译成“残存”比“存活”或“幸存”更准确。marginal to“对……是边缘性的”也就是“远离……”的意思。under pressure中pressure的意思显然不是“压迫”而是“压力”。
