我总觉得,凡是为了非倾吐不可而写的作品,都是充满了真情实感的。反之,只是为写作而写作,如上之为应付编辑朋友,下之为多拿稿费,这类文章大都是尽量地往长里写,结果是即便有一点点的感情,也被冲洗到水分太多、淡而无味的地步。 当由一个人物,一桩事迹,一幅画

admin2015-06-14  42

问题     我总觉得,凡是为了非倾吐不可而写的作品,都是充满了真情实感的。反之,只是为写作而写作,如上之为应付编辑朋友,下之为多拿稿费,这类文章大都是尽量地往长里写,结果是即便有一点点的感情,也被冲洗到水分太多、淡而无味的地步。


答案 I always believe that anything written with an irresistible inner urge to pour out one’s heart must be full of true feelings. On the contrary, if one writes simply for the sake of writing, for example, to cater to one’s editor friends, or even worse, to earn more remuneration, one will most probably make his writings as long as possible. The result is that his writings, even if there are some true feelings, become exaggerated and wishy-washy. When true feelings aroused by a person, an event or a scene burst upon you, they are just like a pin pricking your heart or a raging tide surging before you. This kind of severe pain in your heart or the momentary feeling of panic caused by the raging tide can never be described, unless you use the most vivid and succinct language.

