1840年,英国对中国发动了第一次鸦片战争(the First Opium War),其目的在于保护他们在中国的鸦片贸易。19世纪初,英国东印度公司(the British East India Company)向中国大量走私(smuggle)产自当时英国

admin2015-11-30  32

问题     1840年,英国对中国发动了第一次鸦片战争(the First Opium War),其目的在于保护他们在中国的鸦片贸易。19世纪初,英国东印度公司(the British East India Company)向中国大量走私(smuggle)产自当时英国的殖民地印度的鸦片。这种不法贸易不仅耗费了中国大量的钱财,而且极大地损害了鸦片吸食者的身心健康。所以,清政府中林则徐等一批头脑清醒的官员,力主全面禁止鸦片贸易。1839年初,林则徐到达广州,随即采取了坚决措施,严令禁止鸦片贸易。


答案 In 1840, Britain launched the First Opium War on China for protecting their opium trade. In the early 19th century, the British East India Company smuggled into China large quantities of opium produced in India, which was then a British colony. This illegal trade not only cost China enormous sums of money, but did great harm to the health and moral quality of those who were addicted to the drug. So the clear-headed officials in the Qing government like Lin Zexu wanted to have the opium trade completely banned. After arriving in Guangzhou early in 1839, Lin Zexu took resolute and strict measures to ban the trade.

解析 1.汉语多用散句,英语多用整句,所以在翻译第一句时,我们把第二个分句处理为for protectingtheir opium trade,作目的状语。
2.第二句中,“产自当时英国的殖民地”可以处理为India的定语从句which was then a Britishcolony。
3.第三句中,“极大地损害了”可以翻译为did great harm to。“身心健康”可以翻译为the healthand moral quality,如果翻译为physical and mental health也是可以的。
4.第四句中,“头脑清醒的官员”可以翻译为clear-headed officials或者clear-minded officials。
5.第四句中,“全面禁止鸦片贸易”可以使用have sth.done结构,用have the opium tradecompletely banned来表示。
