在当今中国,电视相亲节目(television dating show)非常红火。其中,知名的当属《非诚勿扰》(If YouAre the One)。该节目由孟非主持,深受海内外观众喜爱。这不只是一个普通的相亲节目,它还反映了年轻一代的生活观和社会观。这也

admin2020-06-30  32

问题     在当今中国,电视相亲节目(television dating show)非常红火。其中,知名的当属《非诚勿扰》(If YouAre the One)。该节目由孟非主持,深受海内外观众喜爱。这不只是一个普通的相亲节目,它还反映了年轻一代的生活观和社会观。这也是它获得巨大成功的原因之一。美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)已经对该节目有所关注,并宣布了将《非诚勿扰》引进该校课程的计划。


答案 Today in China, the television dating shows are very prosperous. Among them, the famous one is "If You Are the One". The program is hosted by Meng Fei and deeply loved by the audience both at home and abroad. More than an ordinary dating show, the program reflects the younger generation’s outlook on life and society. This is one of the reasons it has been so successful. Harvard University has showed its concerns toward the program and declared the plan to bring it into its courses.

解析 1.第3句“……由孟非主持,深受……喜爱”这两个分句中的“由”和“深受”都是表被动的标识词,提示该句应用被动语态;此外,两分句是由逗号连接的并列句,翻译时应增译并列连词and,即本句译作…is hosted byMeng Fei and deeply loved by…。
2.第4句中的两个分句“这不只是……,它还……”可处理成“more than引导名词词组+句子”的结构来表达,行文简洁且意义贴切到位,胜过It is not only...这一完整句式。第2个分句中的宾语中心语“……观”包含两组定语“年轻一代的”和“生活的和社会的”,前者可译作the younger generation’s置于中心语outlook前,后者则可处理为后置定语,置于中心语outlook之后,表达为on life and society。
3.第5句是一个主系表结构,其主干为“这是原因之一”,“它获得巨大成功的”是修饰表语的长定语。翻译时可用This is one of the reasons+定语从句(it has been so successful)来表达,准确到位。
4.最后一句“美国哈佛大学已经对……有所关注,并宣布了……计划”可对应译为并列的两个动词短语,译作Harvard University has showed its concerns toward...and declared the plan to...。
