In the Western imagination, China’s history has been inextricably linked to the notion of " empire". But in fact, more than a mi

admin2019-04-11  31

问题    In the Western imagination, China’s history has been inextricably linked to the notion of " empire". But in fact, more than a millennium of Chinese history passed before anything resembling an empire ever existed. For centuries, seven separate states battled for military supremacy, until in 221 B. C. the Qin dynasty defeated the last of its rivals and unified the country. Military conquest is only part of the unpenal story, however. China owes its ability to endure across time, and to re-form itself again and again after periods of disunity, to a fundamental reshaping of Chinese culture by the earliest dynasties, the Qin and the Han.


答案 在西方人的印象中,中国历史自古便与“帝国”这个概念密不可分。然而,实际上中国历史长河流淌了逾千年,仍未出现任何与“帝国”相类似的政权。几百年来,七国鼎立、混战争雄,直到公元前221年,秦灭六国,一统天下。但军事征战只是帝国历史的一个方面。中国能够经受住岁月的洗礼,在历经数次分裂割据后仍能一次又一次重塑自身,皆要归因于从根本上重塑了中国文化的两个最早的王朝:秦与汉。

