A Crime Wave Festers in Cyberspace The number of successful, and verifiable worldwide hacker incidents this month is likely to s

admin2019-07-30  41

问题 A Crime Wave Festers in Cyberspace
The number of successful, and verifiable worldwide hacker incidents this month is likely to surpass 20, 000—above the previous monthly record of 16, 000 in October, as counted by mi2g, a London-based computer security firm. Others have also offered dire estimates, although the dollar amounts are difficult to verify or compare because the definitions of loss vary so broadly. Part of the challenge in quantifying the problem is that businesses are often reluctant to report and publicly discuss electronic theft for fear of attracting other cyber attacks, or at the least, undermining the confidence of their customers, suppliers and investors or inviting the ridicule of their competitors. In one survey of 500 computer security practitioners conducted last year by the FBI and the Computer Security Institute, a trade group, 80 percent of those surveyed acknowledged financial losses resulting from computer breaches. The computer professionals took part in this survey on the condition they and their organizations would not be identified. Among the 223 respondents who quantified the damage , the average loss was $ 2 million. Those who had suffered losses of proprietary company information said each incident had cost an average of $ 6. 5 million, while financial fraud averaged $ 4. 6 million an incident.


答案 网络犯罪,恶浪滚滚 根据总部在伦敦的计算机安全公司mi2g的统计,本月全世界范围内经证实成功实施的黑客事件很可能超过2万件——多于上月(10月)1.6万件的记录。其他公司所做估计也令人触目惊心,尽管不同公司对于损失的定义差别很大。具体的金额难以核实或对比。对该问题的量化描述面临着挑战,部分是由于企业害怕这样会招来更多的网络攻击,或者至少会削弱顾客、供应商和投资者的信心,或者是受到竞争对手的奚落,因此它们往往不愿公布或公开讨论电子窃案。去年,FBI和计算机安全协会(一个行业组织)联合对500名计算机安全事务的从业人员进行了调查,结果显示:80%的受调查者承认其公司由于电脑入侵而遭受了经济损失。这些计算机专业人员是在不公布本人及其所在机构名字的条件下参与的调查。其中的223位被调查者说出了损失数额,平均为200万美元。那些所在公司专有信息被窃取的人则称每次事件的平均损失为650万美元,而遭受金融欺诈平均每次损失为460万美元。

