A、Presentations. B、Examinations. C、Projects. D、Group work. C原文中,男士提到,现在的学生做的项目比过去他自己上学的时候做的项目多。因此答案为C。

admin2022-09-10  49

W: Hello, Patrick. What are you busy doing?
M: Nothing serious. What’s wrong, Lily?
W: T just want to talk about something with you.
M: I’m glad to. What is it?
W: So we have homework and Tests. What about attendance? Should we require students to attend classes? Sometimes people argue that at university level it shouldn’t be compulsory.
M: I think you should attend some classes at least. You’re going to university; you’re paying for your education, so you should attend some classes. But it doesn’t mean if you’re not attending a class, you cannot get the information and study by yourself. That’s why I like the Internet so much. Because I think people can get so much information from academic institutions via the Internet, and they don’t have to attend a physical (物质的,有形的) class.
W: That’s right, and on the other hand, you might attend physically but you’re not really paying attention.
M: Exactly. You might as well sleep in class sometimes. It doesn’t prove that you’re learning if you’re there. It depends on the person I think.
W: So maybe rather than strictly checking attendance, we should check what the students have learned.
M: Yes. But how do you do that?
W: Now we come back to that. How about Testing?
M: Testing? I don’t know. I think there are other ways of finding out if students have learned things. You don’t have to call things Tests; you can set students tasks to find out if they can do the required task without calling it a Test.
W: That’s right, and then it becomes maybe a bit more practical, too.
M: Yeah, I think so.
W: Did you do a lot of projects when you were a student?
M: Not so many, and I think education has quite changed since the last twenty years or so, and I think people are doing more projects than I used to do when I was a student. But I really like projects, because I think it’s putting your knowledge to work and finding out how you can apply your knowledge to make it practical and usable. I wish I could give my students more projects.
W: Yeah, that’s true. Maybe they’ll be better than Tests.
M: I think so too, yeah. It’s a better way to find out if people know things if you give them a project that involves what they’ve studied.
W: And in real life they won’t be taking Tests anymore. They need to be able to apply the knowledge, right?
M: Yeah, exactly. Do you use projects a lot in your class?
W: No, I don’t. As you know, we have quite a strict schedule to follow, but I think it’s definitely something to think about.
M: Yeah, right. It’s kind of tricky (棘手的,难对付的) to give a project in language, like making a language project.
W: Yeah, I guess so.
1. What is the man’s viewpoint towards attendance?
2. How to check students’ learning performance according to the man?
3. What do students nowadays do more than the man used to do?
4. What do students need to do in real life according to the woman?
5. What is the topic of the conversation?

选项 A、Presentations.
D、Group work.


解析 原文中,男士提到,现在的学生做的项目比过去他自己上学的时候做的项目多。因此答案为C。
