生活并不是一个悲剧。它是一个“搏斗”。我们生活来做什么?或者说我们为什么要有这生命?罗曼•罗兰的回答是“为的是来征服它”。我认为他说得不错。 我有了生命以来,在这个世界上虽然仅仅经历了二十几个寒暑,但是这短短的时期也并不是白白度过的。这期间我也曾看

admin2012-12-30  40

问题     生活并不是一个悲剧。它是一个“搏斗”。我们生活来做什么?或者说我们为什么要有这生命?罗曼•罗兰的回答是“为的是来征服它”。我认为他说得不错。


答案 Life is not a tragedy, but a "struggle". What do we live for? Or why do we live this life after all? The answer given by Romain Rolland is "to conquer it". I think he is right. Ever since I was born, I have been living in this world for more than twenty years, but this short period of time is rather meaningful. I have seen a lot of things and got to know a lot of things. Although it is all darkness around me, I have never felt lonely or hopelessly. Whenever I am, I can always see the torrent of life tumbling along to open up its way through a confused mass of mountains and rocks.

