近年来,中国硕士研究生招收(recruitment)规模不断扩大,致使本科生报考硕士研究生的人数逐年增加。除了大学毕业生对学术的追求以及社会对高端人才(top-level talent)的需求增加外,就业压力大也是造成考研热(postgraduate cr

admin2019-07-19  54

问题     近年来,中国硕士研究生招收(recruitment)规模不断扩大,致使本科生报考硕士研究生的人数逐年增加。除了大学毕业生对学术的追求以及社会对高端人才(top-level talent)的需求增加外,就业压力大也是造成考研热(postgraduate craze)的关键因素。基于人才市场竞争日益激烈,工作岗位供不应求,很多大学生毕业后选择继续深造而不是就业。虽然考研热在某种程度上反映了社会需求,但是也给大学生带来了巨大的心理压力。因此,中国高校需向学生提供适当的就业指导。


答案China is expanding its recruitment of postgraduates in recent years. As a result, the number of undergraduates taking graduate school entrance exam is increasing with each passing year. Besides college graduates’ academic pursuit and the society’s increasing demand for top-level talents, intense employment pressure is the key contributor to postgraduate craze. As the competition in the job market is increasingly fierce and supply of jobs falls short of demand, many college students choose to further their study rather than enter the job market after graduation. Although postgraduate craze is to some extent an indication of social needs, it also brings enormous psychological stress to college students. Therefore, universities in China should provide students with proper career guidance.

解析 1.第一句话较长,前后两个短句含因果关系,但叙述的主体各不同,分别为“招收规模”和“报考人数”,故可拆译为两个句子,用短语as a result承接,突出因果关系,即译为China is expanding its recruitment of...As a result,the number of...。
2.第二句话中的“大学毕业生对学术的追求”和“社会对高端人才的需求增加”可处理成名词性短语,跟在Be—sides之后,即分别译为college graduates’academic pursuit和the society’s increasing demand fortop—level talents。
3.第三句“基于人才市场竞争……”中,“人才市场竞争日益激烈,工作岗位供不应求”和“很多大学生毕业后选择……”暗含因果关系,故可用连词as将二者翻译成主从句的形式,即As the competition in the jobmarket…and supply of jobs…,many college students choose to…。
4.“考研热在某种程度上反映了社会需求”这句话中的“反映了”有两种译法,一是译成名词形式an indica-tion of…,二是翻译成动词reflect。
