
admin2011-01-02  25

问题    我对查理•兰姆的《莎士比亚故事集》特别有兴趣,老师还没有讲完,可是我自己却念完了。所以每次老师测验,我总名列前茅,因此受到老师的注意。我们的老师是美国教会派来的,姓埃德加,名字则现在已记不清。她那时已有三四十岁了,身材不高,但是体型已经开始发胖。她性格十分和善,即使对着我们这批毛孩子,她也是十分腼腆的。但是她教书很严格,每逢学生没有准备好功课,或是测验的成绩不好,她总涨红着脸,数说学生们不用功。


答案 I was particularly interested in Charles Lamb’s Tales from Shakespeare, so it often occurred that I had read a lesson before the teacher taught it. It followed that each time the teacher made a quiz, I was able to be among the best students and get the notice of our teacher. Miss Edgar, our teacher, was a missionary from the US. I don’t remember her by name now. She was then in her thirties, not tall, but her figure apparently was already getting plump. She was very good-natured and even shy before a group of naughty kids like us, but she was very strict in her teaching and would invariably flush and reprove the students for not working hard whenever the students had not prepared their lessons well or when the quiz results were poor.

