Questions 66 - 70 are based on the following reading passage. You are going to read a list of headings and a text about E-Commer

admin2019-02-28  31

问题 Questions 66 - 70 are based on the following reading passage. You are going to read a list of headings and a text about E-Commerce. Choose the most suitable headings from the list A-F for each numbered paragraph(66 - 70). The first and last paragraphs of the text are not numbered. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.
A. History of E-Commerce
B. The function of E-Commerce
C. Disadvantages of E-Commerce
D. Economic Impact
E. Advantages of E-Commerce
F. The Future of E-Commerce
    Electronic commerce or E-Commerce has developed very rapidly in the last few years and has left some people wondering what it is all about. " Most people think E-Commerce is just about buying and selling things over the Internet. " E-Commerce is a broad term describing the electronic exchange of business data between two or more organizations’ computers. Some examples might be the electronic filing of your income tax return, on-line services like Prodigy, and on-line billing for services or products received. E-Commerce also includes buying and selling any item over the Internet , electronic fund transfer, smart cards, and all other methods of conducting business over digital net-works.
    Electronic commerce was built on a foundation that was started more than 125 years ago with Western Union’s money transfer as an example of telegraph technology. In the early 1900s the advent of credit cards as a payment system revolutionized the process of automated commerce functions. In the mid 1980s the introduction of the ATM card was the latest improvement to electronic commerce. The Internet was conceived in 1969 when the Department of Defense began funding the research of computer networking. The Internet, as a means for commerce, did not become reality until the 1990s. Before this time, it was mainly a tool for the army, and a research device for some American universities. Its popularity grew when it proved to become a fast and efficient means to conduct long distance transactions, as well as an effective way to distribute information.
    Clearly, E-Commerce will change the face of business forever. Companies that are thousands of miles away can complete business transactions in a matter of seconds as well as exchange information. Without a doubt, the Internet is ushering in an era of sweeping change that will leave no business or industry untouched. In just three years, the Net has gone from a playground for nerds into a vast communications and trading center where some 90 million people swap information or do deals around the world.
    The primary advantage that E-Commerce possesses is speed. The Internet and World Wide Web give businesses opportunities to exchange messages or complete transactions almost instantaneously. By using the Internet, marketing, distribution, personnel, phone, postage and printing costs, among many others, can he reduced. You can start doing business in cyberspace for as little as $ 100. Cyberspace knows no national boundaries. That means you can do business all over the world as easily as you can in your own neighborhood.
    A potential source of trouble is customer concerns with privacy and security. The concern regarding Internet security and privacy is that unscrupulous hackers can capture credit card or checking account data as it is transferred or break into computers that hold the same information. E-Commerce is based on the assumption that the participants will pay for what they buy. There has been a noted reluctance among Internet users to actually pay, particularly for the digital goods and services. As a result, much of the current business on the Internet is funded using business models other than user-pays, primarily advertising and sponsorship.
    Rest assured the future of E-Commerce is intact and ever changing. "Like electricity, antibiotics, or the car, the Internet is a revolutionary technology. " It is quite evident that E-Commerce is only gaining speed. With Internet traffic doubling every 100 days the digital economy is alive and growing. The huge growth of virtual communities is causing shifts in economic power from large corporations to smaller businesses. With many of the technological advances in the banking, on-line trading and retail industries, E-Commerce will soon become the foundation of our life just as radio, telephone and television have in the past.
    With the steady growth of the Internet, and the fact that every year more and more families are plugging in and surfing the web, can a company survive without the use of the Internet and E-Com-merce? Probably, but not for long. The Internet and E-Commerce are here to stay, so businesses can either change with the times, or get left behind. The choice is theirs to make.



解析 由此段的第一句“The primary advantage that…”可知这一段主要讲的是电子商务的优点,故选E。
