“裸婚”(naked marriage)一词由中国网民杜撰,指男女双方在没有房、没有车、没有婚戒甚至婚礼的情况下选择结婚。配偶双方只需要花9元领取两张证明其婚姻合法的结婚证。在中国,越来越多的80后一代(post-80s generation)选择“裸婚”

admin2016-04-26  41

问题     “裸婚”(naked marriage)一词由中国网民杜撰,指男女双方在没有房、没有车、没有婚戒甚至婚礼的情况下选择结婚。配偶双方只需要花9元领取两张证明其婚姻合法的结婚证。在中国,越来越多的80后一代(post-80s generation)选择“裸婚”。这一新的结婚形式的流行与中国居高的生活成本密切相关,特别是不断上涨的房价给80后一代带来巨大的压力。为了减轻经济压力,很多受过良好教育的年轻人毅然选择从简结婚。对他们来说,裸婚似乎是最好的一个选择。


答案"Naked marriage", which was coined by the Chinese netizens, means the couple chooses to get married without house, car, wedding rings and even wedding ceremony. The spouses only have to spend 9 yuan in getting two marriage certificates which prove their marriage to be legal. In China, an increasing number of the post-80s generation choose naked marriage. The popularity of this new form of marriage is closely related to the high living expenses in China, especially the rising housing price which poses great pressure on the post-80s generation. In order to reduce financial pressure, many well-educated young people determinedly choose to get marred in a simple way. Naked marriage seems to be the best choice for them.

解析 1.第一句话对“裸婚”进行下定义。翻译时可将“指男女双方在……的情况下选择结婚”作为主句,把“由中国网民杜撰”可处理成which引导的非限制性定语从句。其中“在没有房、没有车、没有婚戒甚至婚礼的情况下”可译为with引导的介宾短语,即with no house,no car,no wedding rings and even no weddingceremony。
2.第二句中的“证明其婚姻合法”为“结婚证”的修饰语,可处理成which或that引导的定语从句,即译为which prove their marriage to be legal。
3.第四句“这一新的结婚形式的流行……带来巨大的压力。”由两个短句组成,句子很长。为使句子结构简明,翻译时可把第一个短句作为句子主干,将“特别是不断上涨的房价给80后一代带来巨大的压力”处理成补充成分,译为especially the rising housing price which poses great pressure on the post一80s gener—ation。
4.倒数第二句中的“为了减少经济压力”表示目的,可采用短语in order to来表达,作为目的状语置于句首。
