Read the texts from an article in which five people talked about anger. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person (

admin2011-02-28  27

问题    Read the texts from an article in which five people talked about anger. For questions 61 to 65, match the name of each person ( 1 to 5) to one of the statements ([A]to[G]) given below. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET 1.
   Do you stifle your anger? Or do you let it explode? In either case, anger may be your hidden dieting problem.
   If you smile when a co-worker steals your ideas—than spend the evening digging into a bag of chips—you’re not really fat and happy. You’re secretly angry.
   Break-free strategy: Anger needs to be evaluated. If the cause of your anger is relatively unimportant and there is nothing you can do to change the circumstances or the outcome, let it go. It may just save you a few unwanted pounds. Take a ten-minute break when you fell ravenous. Review what happened in the past 10 to 12 hours to upset you. Did your spouse hurt your feeling? Were you playing martyr again? Could you deal with your rage in less fattening ways by exercising, perhaps, or discussing the situation with a friend?
   Since white wine is fat-free and has only about 100 calories a glass, it’s tempting to have a glass or two with a low fat dinner. But according to a Swiss study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, if roughly one-fourth of your daily caloric intake comes from wine, beer or liquor, the alcohol can show your fat metabolism by about 30 percent. In words, while your body is burning alcohol, it’s not burning fat. Worse, that unmetaholized fat may head straight for your abdomen. Other studies show that moderate consumption of alcohol before meals can enhance your appetite.
   Break-free strategy: If your rate of weight loss has stalled, eliminating all alcohol could jump—start it again.
   Spend more time outside, even on a cloudy day. An early morning or lunch time walk- without sun-glasses—is ideal. About 75 percent of SAD sufferers get fast relief from special light boxes, which are 5 to 20 times brighter than typical home lighting.
   Boost your mood with exercise. Try a few laps around the block, dance to your favorite music, or jump cope.
   Don’t fight your cravings. Swiss scientists recently found that SAD suffers who are more than one portion of sweets in the afternoon or evening usually responded to light treatment. Once they got more light, their cravings diminished.
   If you find your motivation coming to a halt, ponder this: What do you dislike about being svelte? Do you secretly miss pigging out? Are you uneasy about extra attention from the opposite sex? "If you come from a family plagued with weight. problems, you may eyen feel guilty about succeeding where others have failed, "says San Francisco psychiatrist Carla Perez, author of Getting off the Merry-Go-Round.
   Other signs that you don’t feel you deserve to be thin: comparing yourself unfavorably to others("Sure, I lost 50 pounds, but she lost 75"); discounting your victories ("The first 30 pounds mean nothing, only the last five count"); or attributing your success to good luck in- stead of hard work.
    "If you are on the edge of anger, count ONE, TWO, THREE again and again, please. It is helpful for you to calm down. But to those bad-tempered people, it is no use to advise them to keep peaceful Further more, medical care is a good way to deal with angry. "says Professor Ida Smith, a famous psychologist. According to his study, taking medicine is a correct way has good effect on those who can’t get rid of angry easily.
    Now match each of the man (1 to 5)to the appropriate statement.
    Note: there are two extra statements.
   [A] One should take medicine in a correct way.
   [B] Behavior modification and stress management can also help you live.
   [C] Be not in anger.
   [D] Identify your stress triggers.
   [E] Escape far from alcohol.
   [F] Depression doesn’t work.
   [G] You needn’t be red-thin for your diet to be a success.



