A、Save all the photos and video clips at a safe place. B、Show his videos and photos on the Internet. C、Send his photos to his fr

admin2015-07-05  40

W: Hi, Mark, nice to see you here. I heard about your horseback journey from Canada to South America. It’s marvelous.
M: Oh, the journey was truly a dream coming true. It’ll be my lifetime memory.
W: Did you go with some friends? Having such a journey alone doesn’t sound like a good idea.
M: Yes, three of us. (9) One night Mike, my roommate, came up with an idea for a great trip. It started when we were talking about horses and then South America and then how it would be cool to travel down the countryside by horse. At last, we began to consider the possibility of really having such a journey. My cousin Eddie is also a horse lover. So, off we went.
W: There were a father and a son that I read about. They went by canoe from Winnipeg and they went all the way to Louisiana. They ended up like going down through the Amazon and they made their way by river passage all the way to South America. Which way did you take? You were on horse backs. Did you take the same route?
M: Kind of. Somehow, it’s a route of very beautiful scenery. (10) But we didn’t take the river trip so much. Mostly along the river. I think it’s the major difference.
W: Did you have troubles along the way?
M: Well, it took us almost two months and we didn’t go all the way solely by horse. We occasionally also took trains. (11) Troubles are inevitable, like we were caught in the rain and Eddie had a fever, or the horse ate something and fell sick, but we made it and it was worth all the troubles.
W: Did you take videos or photos?
M: Yes, many. (12) We have put them on our Facebook pages. We want to share the excitement with our friends.
9. Who put forward the idea of the trip first?
10. What’s the major difference between Mark’s journey and the father and son’s?
11. What kind of difficulties has the man’s group met during their journey?
12. What did the man do after his journey?

选项 A、Save all the photos and video clips at a safe place.
B、Show his videos and photos on the Internet.
C、Send his photos to his friends and relatives.
D、Invite his friends to his celebration party.


