Have you ever been a flower girl, a bridesmaid, or caught the bouquet at a friend’s wedding? All of these customs are expected a

admin2020-08-19  50

问题     Have you ever been a flower girl, a bridesmaid, or caught the bouquet at a friend’s wedding? All of these customs are expected at modern weddings, but these wedding traditions actually date back to ancient times. In fact, different cultures have created their own wedding customs. Many of these customs have stood the test of time and have evolved into the wedding traditions we are familiar with today.
    1. Wedding veil
    This wedding tradition dates back to the origin of arranged marriages. Traditionally, the groom’s family would not allow him to see his bride until the wedding. This is because if he didn’t like her looks, there was a chance that he might not agree to marry her. Therefore, the veil was used to conceal the bride’s appearance up until the very moment in which they were to be married.
    2. Wedding cake
    Since cakes represent fertility, Ancient Romans would bake wheat cakes and break them over the bride’s head. Soon it became customary to stack these wheat cakes one on top of another, as tall as they could go. The bride and groom were challenged to kiss over the tower without knocking it over. If successful, they’d enjoy a lifetime of good fortune as a couple.
    3. Groomsmen
    The tradition of having groomsmen as part of the wedding, comes from the ancient tradition of kidnapping the bride. Before a couple could get married, a man had to employ his fellow friends or warrior companions to help him fight off other warriors and prevent the bridge’s family from finding the couple. The groom’s main warrior companions would be the equivalent of the "best man" at a wedding.


答案 你在朋友的婚礼上当过花童、伴娘或者接过捧花吗?虽然这些已成为现代西式婚礼中的必要习俗,但这些传统其实可追溯至远古时代。事实上,不同的文化形成了其独有的婚礼习俗。其中许多经受住了时间的考验,演变为我们今天所熟悉的婚礼传统。 1. 面纱 这一婚礼传统起源于包办婚姻。按照传统,新郎的家人禁止新郎和新娘在婚礼前见面,原因是担心新郎会因为不喜欢新娘的长相而可能反悔娶她。因此,新娘会一直带着面纱,遮住自己的面庞,直到婚礼开始。 2. 婚礼蛋糕 古罗马人认为,蛋糕代表生育能力,因此他们会烘烤小麦蛋糕并将它们扔过新娘的头顶。之后人们开始习惯将这些小麦蛋糕一层层堆起来,堆的越高越好。新娘和新郎则被要求越过高高的蛋糕塔亲吻彼此,还不能碰倒蛋糕塔。如果成功完成这一挑战,夫妇二人便会一生幸福美满。 3. 伴郎 婚礼上安排伴郎源自于“绑架”新娘的古老传统。据说,一对夫妇结婚前,新郎必须请朋友或战友帮他击退其他勇士,以防新娘的家人找到两人。新郎的主要战友就相当于如今婚礼上的“伴郎”。

解析     动词expect在这里的含义是“认为合理,认为必要”,即表示这些习俗都是西式婚礼上“必要的,应该出现的”部分。modem weddings原意是“现代婚礼”,但由于文章主要介绍的是西方的婚礼习俗,所以翻译时有必要将信息补充完整。
    as a couple在原句中是主语的补足语,翻译时为了避免语言累赘,而灵活调整语言结构,将补足语直接处理为主语的部分,将“they…as a couple”合译为“夫妇二人”;good fortune含义为“好运气”,放在这篇文章的语境中,译为“幸福美满”一词更合适。
