Stopping Smoking: ASH’s 15 Tips—Action on Smoking and Health 1. Get Professional Help Ring the helpline on Freephone 0

admin2010-05-26  34

问题              Stopping Smoking: ASH’s 15 Tips—Action on Smoking and Health
     1. Get Professional Help
     Ring the helpline on Freephone 0800-169-0169 for information and advice. Pregnant women seeking help in stopping smoking can call the pregnancy Quit line on 0800-169-9169. Specialist help lines are also available in Asian languages. Your doctor, pharmacist, or health visitor should also give advice and they should tell you if there are special services for smokers in your area.
     2. Prepare Mentally
     You are not alone! 70% of British smokers would like to quit and about 3 million try each year. More than 11 million people in Britain have quit and are now ex-smokers. However, it can be tough and you will need lots of willpower to break the hold of nicotine--a powerful and addictive drug. An important part of this is to know what you would gain and what you would lose from stopping smoking. One ex-60-a-day smoker (Allen Cart, author of best-selling The Easy Way to Stop Smoking) says:
     "There is absolutely nothing to give up... there is no genuine pleasure or crutch in  smoking. It is just an illusion, like banging your head against a wall to make it pleasant when you stop."
     3. Demolish Smoking Myths
     Soon after smoking a cigarette the body and brain start to want more nicotine and many people begin to feel increasingly uncomfortable until they have the next cigarette. Smoking feels pleasurable, but much of the pleasure of smoking is relief of withdrawal from nicotine. There are times that many people feel distracted or unable to enjoy themselves. This is nicotine withdrawal in action. See it this way, cigarettes are not a familiar friend but more like a greedy parasite demanding constant attention.
     4. Understand What to Expect
    Most people find the first few days difficult and for some it can be a long struggle, but things will typically start to get better after the third or fourth day. Nicotine withdrawal may make you restless, irritable, frustrated, sleepless, or accident prone--but these things will pass and you will quickly start to feel the benefits.
    5. Make a List of Reasons Why You Want to Stop Smoking
    It means different things to different people, but if you know what you want from stopping, it could help you through the most difficult moments.
    6. Consider the Money
    Main brand cigarettes now cost £4.48 after the April 2003 budget. The table shows how much smoking costs at current prices.
    7. Set a Date
    Some people make a New Year’s Day resolution, others pick their birthday, and you can join in with others on No Smoking Day  the second Wednesday of every March  when up to a million smokers have a go. Any day will do, but choosing a date will help mental preparation.
    8. Involve Friends or Family
    If you live with someone else that smokes, it will be much easier to quit if you do it together. When expecting a baby, both parents should do it together. One common mistake is not to take the effort to quit smoking seriously enough. Really putting your whole commitment behind it will help you have the right frame of mind to face the challenge.
    9. Deal with Nicotine Withdrawal
    Nicotine is a powerful addictive drug and you can roughly double the chances of successfully quitting smoking by using nicotine replacement therapies such as patches, lozenges, inhalers, and/or gum. The idea is to come off nicotine gradually by using a low nicotine dose to take the edge off the cravings and have a "soft landing". Nicotine products include Nicorette, NiQuitin CQ and Nicotinell. An alternative to nicotine products is the drug Zyban which is only available on prescription. Although it is proven to be effective, as with all drugs there is a risk of side effects and you will need to discuss with your doctor whether this form of therapy would be suitable for you.
    10. Other Treatments May Help
    Hypnosis (催眠), acupuncture (针刺疗法) or other treatments may help some people, but there isn’t much formal evidence supporting their effectiveness. Our advice is to use with caution, but if they help mental preparation, then they have some value. Herbal cigarettes are pointless-you get all the tar, but nothing to help you deal with nicotine withdrawal.
    11. Find a (Temporary) Substitute Habit
    Smoking also involves having something to do with the hands or mouth. Non-smokers manage without this, so it will not be necessary in the long term. But if this is part of the smoking habit, you may need to deal with it. It might be an idea to use chewing gum, drink more water, fruit juice or tea, or to chew or eat something.
    12. Deal with Any Weight-Gain Worries
    Yes it is true: Many people do gain weight when they quit smoking. Nicotine changes the appetite and body’s energy use. Even if you do gain weight it will be worth it if you quit, but if you want to avoid weight-gain then you can prepare. For example, you can change your diet or avoid alcohol, or take more exercise.
    13. Avoid Temptation
    In the difficult first few days you can change your routine to avoid situations where you would usually smoke. For example, it might be worth avoiding the pub on the first Friday night after you quit.
    14. Stop Completely
    Although it might seem like a good idea to cut down and then stop, this is actually very difficult to do in practice. If you cut down, the likely response is that you will smoke each cigarette more intensively and end up doing yourself just as much harm. The best approach is to go for a complete break and use nicotine replacement products (see above) to help take the edge off the withdrawal symptoms.
    15. Watch Out for Relapse (复发)
    You will need to be on your guard especially in the first few days and weeks. "I’ll have just one, it can’t harm" is the top of a long and slippery slope. If you are upset or under pressure, it is really important to fight off the temptation to smoke-don’t let this be an excuse for slipping back. You could lose everything you’ve achieved just in a momentary lapse.
The best approach to quit smoking is to ______and use nicotine replacements.


答案go for a complete break

