Some 350 million people of all ages, incomes and nationalities suffer from depression. Millions more—family, friends, co-workers

admin2019-03-20  56

问题 Some 350 million people of all ages, incomes and nationalities suffer from depression. Millions more—family, friends, co-workers—are exposed to the indirect effects of this under-appreciated global health crisis.
Depression diminishes people’s ability to cope with the daily challenges of life, and often precipitates family disruption, interrupted education and loss of jobs. In the most extreme cases, people kill themselves. Approximately one million people commit suicide every year, the majority due to unidentified or untreated depression.
People develop depression for a number of reasons. Often, different causes—genetic, biological, psychological and social—combine to provide the trigger. Stress, grief, conflict, abuse and unemployment can also contribute. Women are more likely to suffer depression than men, including following childbirth.
A wide variety of effective and affordable treatments are available to treat depression, including psychosocial interventions and medicines. However, they are not accessible to all people, especially those living in less developed countries and the least advantaged citizens of more developed nations. Among the barriers to care and services are social stigma and the lack of general health care providers and specialists trained to identify and treat depression. This is why the World Health Organization is supporting countries through its Mental Health Gap Action Programme.


答案 全球大约3.5亿各种年龄段、不同国籍和收入水平的人患有抑郁症。患者的家人、朋友和同事等更多的人也受到这一未被正确认识的全球健康危机的间接影响。 抑郁症会削弱人们应对日常生活挑战的能力,会导致家庭破裂、教育中断和失业。在最极端的情况下,抑郁症患者会自杀。每年大约有一百万人自杀,其中大多数是由未查明或未经治疗的抑郁症引起的。 罹患抑郁症的原因多种多样。通常情况下,遗传、生理、心理和社会等不同因素相互结合,引发了致病动因。压力、悲痛、冲突、虐待和失业等因素也会起作用。女性比男性更易罹患抑郁症,包括在分娩之后。 现在有各种各样的有效且负担得起的治疗抑郁症的方法,包括心理干预和药物治疗。然而,并非所有人都能获得这些治疗,尤其是那些生活在欠发达国家的人们和发达国家中处境最为不利的公民。为抑郁症患者提供护理和服务遇到的障碍包括社会鄙视,缺乏大众保健提供者和训练有素、能识别和治疗抑郁症的专家。正因为如此,世界卫生组织正在通过其心理健康差距行动方案为各国提供支持。

