A、15. B、25. C、1. D、2. C录音提到,迄今为止,在布鲁克林区只有一台这样的ATM,哪怕在纽约市乃至全美国也只有一台,C项是正确答案。A项数字15是ATM上方播放广告的电视屏幕尺寸。B项数字25是广告ATM机的发明者的年龄。

admin2020-06-06  39

As we all know, banks do charge fees of $2 or $3 at a time to non-customers accessing their cash, and these fees add up in a big way, totaling $7.1 billion last year alone. According to a recent survey conducted by Ally Bank, 77% of Americans feel that it’s not OK for banks to charge ATM fees. More than half(56%)of those surveyed said that the proper fee for an ATM transaction is $0. It’s your money you’re accessing, after all, the thinking goes.
    Everyone can avoid these fees by using only affiliated ATMs, but, quite obviously, plenty of consumers find it necessary from time to time to use another bank’s machine—even if doing so incurs a fee.
    But what if there was another way? What if there was an ATM that anyone could use that never charged fees?
    There is one such ATM, actually, and there could be more to come. A company called Free ATMs NYC operates an ATM at a music venue called the Knitting Factory in Brooklyn. All users are welcomed to make withdrawals, entirely fee-free. While the transaction is occurring, a 15-inch video screen above the ATM shows an advertisement. When the transaction is complete, the customer gets a receipt along with a little more advertising or marketing in the form of a coupon good for a discount to a local business, perhaps a nearby restaurant.
    Even with the ads, the transaction’s done in roughly the same time it takes to get money from any other ATM. The customer, could switch to a bank that doesn’t charge such fees—and by some indication, millions of consumers are doing just that.
    Free ATMs NYC is the brainchild of a 25-year-old entrepreneur named Clinton Townsend. The company’s home page says that it is aggressively "rolling out a portfolio of Free ATMs throughout New York City, " but so far, there’s just the one fee-free machine in Brooklyn—and only one throughout all of New York City and the U.S. for that matter.
    Will the idea catch on, with no fee ATMs popping up left and right? The concept would surely be popular with consumers. As mentioned earlier, most people think that the proper fee for an ATM transaction is no fee at all, and that’s what Free ATMs NYC delivers.
20. What can we conclude from the survey conducted by Ally Bank?
21. What can the customer get from the Free ATMs NYC?
22. How many fee-free ATMs can we find in the New York City?

选项 A、15.


解析 录音提到,迄今为止,在布鲁克林区只有一台这样的ATM,哪怕在纽约市乃至全美国也只有一台,C项是正确答案。A项数字15是ATM上方播放广告的电视屏幕尺寸。B项数字25是广告ATM机的发明者的年龄。
