
admin2015-01-09  32

问题     嫉妒是一种微妙的情感,强烈而又隐蔽,自己对自己也不愿意承认,却又时不时地表现出来。嫉妒很伤人,很降低人,使人变蠢,变得可笑,可悲,可厌。一个人越是掩饰自己的嫉妒,就越容易被别人觉察出来。嫉妒是弱者的激情,因为他除了嫉妒还是嫉妒,做不出什么能使自己感到自豪、使自己的心理变得平衡的事。强者以理智以道德和大局为重的心胸把握自己、克制自己,以竞争心进取心改造和取代嫉妒心,用光明的奋斗驱散嫉妒的阴影。弱者以冠冕堂皇、滔滔不绝、气急败坏的说词掩盖自己的报复心、恶毒心、败坏心,诽谤和中伤是他们的生活方式。渐渐地,他们活着的目的不是为了自己要做什么,而是为了不让别人做事,不是为了自己要做出成绩,而是为了不叫别人做出成绩。


答案 Jealousy is an emotion of the weak, for a jealous person would be consumed by jealousy, and totally incapable of doing anything that can make himself proud or render himself psychologically balanced. A strong person would command and restrain himself with sense, ethics and a mind that values people’s overall interest above personal sentiments; he would transform jealousy and substitute it with competitiveness and enterprise, and dispel the shadow of jealousy through honest endeavors. The weak would try to conceal their revenge, maliciousness and intent to ruin others with impressive, incessant or furious remarks. To defame and hurt others is their way of life. Gradually, their purpose of living would be reduced by jealousy into a persistent eagerness to stop others from doing what they want and prevent others from making achievements, for they would no longer care about what they ought to do or whether they can accomplish anything.

