
admin2014-11-27  31

问题     他的朋友滕子京被贬岳州(今湖南岳阳),重修岳阳楼,写信请他为岳阳楼写篇记,尽管那时范仲淹在政治上遭到很大的打击,被贬在邓州,身体欠佳,但他还是答应了滕子京的要求,在邓州的花洲书院挥毫撰写了著名的《岳阳楼记》,在这篇文笔优美洗炼的文中,范仲淹劝诫遭到贬黜的朋友不要因个人遭遇不幸而忧伤,不要因自然风景优美就得意洋洋而忘怀天下;要“居庙堂之高则忧其民,处江湖之远则忧其君”,时时以国家大事、人民疾苦为念。


答案 His friend Teng Zijing was(1)banished to the post of the(2)prefect of Yuezhou(Yueyang City in Hunan province today), where he undertook the task of renovating Yueyang Tower. When the restoration was completed, Teng Zijing wrote to Fan Zhongyan, asking him to(3)compose an essay commemorating the event At that time, Fan Zhongyan was depressed over lack of political success, and was(4)dismissed to the governance of Dengzhou, worse still, he was in delicate health; nevertheless,(5)at the invitation of his bosom friend, Fan Zhongyan took up the brush and wrote in Huazhou Shu Yuan(6)(an academy of classical learning)the well-known(7)Remarks of Yueyang Tower. In this literary classic with(8)beautiful phrasing and finely honed conciseness, Fan(9)dissuaded his friends, who were in exile, from falling into deep despair when in adverse circumstances, nor overflowing with such delight when enjoying the spectacular scenery as to shut their eyes to the sufferings of the people; rather(10)"when positioned high at court, they were concerned about the people; while returned to ordinary life, they were worried about their sovereign", and they should always(11)bear the state affairs and miseries of the subject in mind.

解析    (1)“废黜,被贬”可译为banish。
   (3)“为岳阳楼写记”可译为compose an essay com—memorating the event。
   (5)“应邀”可译为at the invitation of。
   (8)“文笔优美洗练”可译为beautiful phrasing andfinely honed conciseness。
   (9)“劝诫”可译为dissuade sb.from doing sth.。
   (11)“以……为念”可理解为“牢记……在心”,可译为bear sth.in mind。
