自从1978年市场化改革以来。中国经济已经逐渐从集中的计划经济向市场经济转变。中国经济和社会发展迅速。目前,中国是继美国之后的世界第二大经济体。中国是全球最大的农业生产国和工业生产国。稻谷、小麦产量以及工业产值(industrial output)世界领先

admin2017-04-12  19

问题     自从1978年市场化改革以来。中国经济已经逐渐从集中的计划经济向市场经济转变。中国经济和社会发展迅速。目前,中国是继美国之后的世界第二大经济体。中国是全球最大的农业生产国和工业生产国。稻谷、小麦产量以及工业产值(industrial output)世界领先。同时,中国也是世界最大的产品出口国和第二大进口国。尽管中国是世界经济增长速度最快的国家之一,但是也面临着地区经济发展不均衡,贫富分化(rich-poor polarization)等问题。为实现中国经济可持续发展,需深化经济改革。


答案 Since initiating the market reforms in 1978, China has witnessed a gradual shift from a centrally planned economy to a market-based one, and experienced a rapid economic and social development. Currently China is the world’s second largest economy following the United States. As the largest producing country of agricultural and industrial commodities, China is the leading producer of rice and wheat with the largest industrial output worldwide. Meanwhile, it is also the largest exporter and the second largest importer of goods in the world. Despite being one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, China is also confronted with economic problems like regional imbalances of economic development and rich-poor polarization. Deepening economic reforms is required for the sustainable development of the Chinese economy.

解析 1.翻译第一句时,可将主语进行适当的变换,把汉语中的“中国经济”换成“中国”,这样处理可让后面分句跟前一分句共用主语“中国”,避免重复“经济”这个词,然后将此句处理为一个and连接的长句。
2.翻译第三句“中国是全球最大的农业生产国……”时,前一个分句可处理为“as+名词短语”结构作状语,表达为As the largest producing country of agricultural and industrial commodities。选定后一分句为句子主干,用China作主语。译为China is the leading producer of rice and wheat…。
