You will hear five short recordings. For each recording, decide which aspect of working conditions the speaker is talking ab

admin2017-03-28  27

问题     You will hear five short recordings.
    For each recording, decide which aspect of working conditions the speaker is talking about.
    Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording.
    Do not use any letter more than once.
    After you have listened once, replay the recordings.
A career prospects
B health and safety
C working hours
D holiday allowance
E training courses
F disciplinary procedures
G job security
H pay increases
The hours vary - sometimes lunchtimes, sometimes late afternoons. We all feel we’ve improved our skills or picked up new ones which will benefit us in the future in some way. Outside providers are contracted to come in and they’ve been very good, very professional. There’s been a range of things on offer, too. We’re given vouchers which we use in a way to pay for the sessions, choosing what to do and how many hours to put in.
Things have improved a lot since I started working here. We’re all more aware now of potential risks and of the correct procedures for everything. For example, reporting anything that isn’t working properly, having the appropriate clothing, things like that. We know what to do now, and who to go to. There are regular checks on equipment, too, so that problems are less likely to happen in the first place.
Well, despite talks with senior management, we’ve been unable so far to agree on something which all my staff can accept. Management know we have a fair case and that we’ve waited a long time compared to other departments, who were awarded rises last year. So it’s not as if they’re against the idea itself. .. as I say, we’ve just got to get a final figure which staff will be happy with.
There are various stages we go through. We try first to reassure staff and give them the opportunity to present their side. We like first to deal with things within the organisation - staff know action won’t be taken until the case has been thoroughly investigated. Of course, problems can arise from lots of things -anything from poor timekeeping or inappropriate dress to actual breach of contract. Dismissal would be the very last course of action and all employees have the right to appeal even then.
I very much like the system we have -1 like the opportunities it gives me for other things. Everyone’s at work for the agreed essential time, but we all have some choice each side of this. I keep my own record, and it means I can fit in other things, like medical appointments. I like to feel I’ve got some control over my professional life and I need to be able to plan. It may not suit everyone, but it certainly works for me.



